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Kendji Girac reveals the whole truth 2 months after his “I had adopted bad habits”

Kendji Girac is a French singer of gypsy origin, known for having won the show
The Voicein 2014. He owes his fame in particular to his energy, his joy of living and his good humor, which he transcribes in his music.

However, last April, the singer’s life was turned upside down following a gunshot wound. Initially thinking that it was an attempted murder, investigators finally announced that this act was, in reality, a possible suicide attempt. Kendji Girac has come out of the silence and revealed the underside of this drama.

On the night of April 21 to 22, Kendji Girac was at the heart of turmoil after a gunshot wound

The singer Kendji Girac, known for its catchy and joyful music, was at the heart of a particular affair. Indeed, on the night of April 21 to 22, he received a bullet in the chest, which left him with hours of life threatening and subsequently,
several months of convalescence and rest away from the media and public life. After numerous rumors regarding the origin of this bullet, it was actually indicated that the singer himself inflicted this on himself, by mistake. Indeed, following quite a drunken evening and an argument with his wife, Soraya Miranda, the singer allegedly grabbed the gun and fired, thinking it was not loaded.

On May 10, Kendji spoke on his Instagram account, the date on which he won the show The Voice, 10 years previously. He took the opportunity to talk about his state of health and confided « I treat myselfI am resting to come back even stronger thanks to you and I want to leave this period of my life behind me. I thank heaven that I’m alive ». Since that day, the singer has disappeared from social networks and has gave no news to his community. It was this Wednesday, June 26, that Kendji Girac returned to the forefront, through a video posted on Instagram, in which he revealed part of his version of the facts about the tragedy.

Kendji Girac comes out of silence regarding the drama he experienced

Kendji Girac therefore spoke to his community regarding
the drama he experienced
. Appearing very emotional and stressedthe singer began by apologizing for not having given his fans any news “I had to take care of myself and think about what had happened to understand how did I get there. I really regret everything that happened”. He then gave more details about the habits he had before the tragedy, which could imply significant alcohol consumption. “Before the accident and for some time, I had developed bad habitsI got into a spiral that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I lost myself

Eva Alba’s dad also admitted not having recognized himself during this period “I’m not a boy like that, that’s why I’m telling you that I got lost and why I want to apologize today. I almost lost my life, the love of my family, of my audience, my daughter almost lost her father ». Visibly very upset, he continued his remarks by indicating that he never intended to repeat it, that he had learned from his mistakes and that he was getting back on his feet. Kendji Girac would also be helped at the moment to
to overcome this eventbut also so that the man he had become during this period remains behind him.

Following this tragedy, Kendji Girac apologizes to everyone and indicates that this whole story is now behind him

This drama would therefore have made him aware of
the seriousness of the situation in which he was at that time. Indeed, Kendji Girac confided “My goal is to make people happyI am someone who smiles and who loves to make people smile”. Indeed, the singer is known and recognized in France for his good humor, his joie de vivre and his songs which reflect this.

photo credit: Instagram screenshot /@kendji Kendji Girac was shot in the chest last April.

To end his video, the singer emotionally thanked his community, his team, his family, doctors and legal services for supporting him through this ordeal. ” NOW, this is all behind me. Thank you for being so kind to me.”. Although he does not give an exact date on his official return to music, he also indicated “I can’t wait to come back to do what I love most in the world, sing with my guitar. Thank you again, I love you very, very much and obviously, I can’t wait to see you again”.


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