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Place for readers | First Biden-Trump debate

We asked you if you were interested in the first debate between the candidates for president of the United States, which takes place this Thursday, and what you think its outcome might be. Here are some of your comments.

Posted at 1:23 a.m.

Updated at 9:00 a.m.

A crucial debate

I think this is the most important political debate of our time. The issues do not only concern the United States, but a large part of the planet. The stakes are enormous and for all sorts of reasons. What will make the difference is the moderator’s insight and control of the debate. He must not give up and let Trump or Biden do as they please. If the order and control of the debate is fair, balanced, and equitable, Americans and others will have a good sense of where the November election is headed. One thing is certain, it will be funny and scary at the same time. Peace be with us!

Michel Bourgault, Sherbrooke

We vote for a party

Yes, I plan to watch the debate. I don’t think it really changes the American people’s voting intentions, except maybe for the undecided or if one of the two candidates does poorly, and even then… We mostly vote for one party, I think. Who will come out on top? Probably Biden, if he stays consistent—he won’t have a teleprompter like he did in his last address to the nation. Trump will probably be his usual rambling, accusatory self.

Guylaine Buteau, Chertsey

Trump will declare himself the winner

The debate will not change anything. Americans, being more keen on sports than social debates, will attach more importance to the image than to the content. And as such, Trump will triumph despite the threat he poses. Plus, both are old. I like a controllable old man who looks like a zombie better than a raving lunatic who wants revenge and lies all the time. I wish the hosts wouldn’t get bullied by Trump and put him in his place, although I wish they didn’t have to. No matter the outcome of the debate, Trump is going to say that he won and that he is the best in the world.

Luc Lamontagne, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures

Lying passion

I am very worried about this debate. I believe Mr. Biden is too slow and it is difficult to argue intelligently with someone like Mr. Trump who is willing to answer anything, true or false. Mr. Trump could give the impression of winning this debate by lying ardour.

Michelle Beaudoin, Montreal

Limit the damage

Yes, I will watch the debate. No, I don’t believe he could influence the vote significantly. If Biden appears sharp-minded, at most he will perhaps be able to avoid losing support. But the Trump movement is still very strong and, in my opinion, cannot be overthrown.

Sylvie Tremblay, Val-David

Revelator of the American people

In the next election, American voters will have to choose between two candidates they already know very well since both had the opportunity to govern for a four-year term. The candidates therefore have experience of power and the voters have the experience of the candidates. The tone and manner of both are already known. As do the values ​​and programs of the parties they represent. Which leads me to think that the debates will focus on personality details, namely whether one will appear older or whether the other will have a more “presidential” outfit; we will wonder who has the most skillful speech to embarrass the other. Basically, the debates will reveal to us how frivolous and superficial the American people have become when it comes to choosing their leaders. From the perspective of the rest of the world, this will be a revealing election for the American people, as they will vote with full knowledge of the facts. The rest of the world’s opinion of Americans and their true democratic values ​​is at stake.

Pierre Dupuis, Canadian Saints-Martyrs


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