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Miriam Adelson, the Israeli-American megadonor who bets a fortune on Trump

Miriam Adelson is 78 years old and worth $30 billion. It’s here “fifth richest woman in the United States”, recently highlighted New York Magazine, and a prodigal donor that every American politician dreams of counting among their supporters.

When she met her late husband, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, in the late 1980s, she was “a divorced woman and addiction specialist who had moved from Tel Aviv to New York” after winning a research grant to study methadone-based substitution treatments, reports the New York magazine, which recently devoted its front page to the shock megadonor.

“Miriam Adelson has spent fortunes supporting the far right in the United States and Israel. How far will she work to [faire] re-elect Trump? And what does she expect in return?” could we read on the cover of the magazine, which published in its interior pages a long, very informative portrait of her.

Miriam Adelson, we learn, started out doing things quite classically “modest donations to the Democratic Party in the United States in the early 1990s,” then, gradually, turned around and increased financial donations, more and more generous, to the Republican Party.

At the same time, “she and her husband, Sheldon, financially supported the political rise of Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel,” remember New York Magazine, who explains that, as for many Israelis of his generation (Miriam Adelson was born in 1945 in Tel Aviv, British Mandate Palestine and has dual Israeli and American nationality. “the protection of the Jewish people and the security of the State of Israel are among its priorities.”

A “silver geyser”

In 2005, the Adelson couple gave, between them, “$500,000 to Republican President George W. Bush, at the time of his second inauguration at the White House.” Then, after the Citizens United ruling handed down by the American Supreme Court in 2010, which relaxed the rules for financing electoral campaigns by removing the cap on individual donations, the financial windfall of the Adelson couple increased significantly.

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