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Biden-Trump debate: microphones cut, no notes, no audience… what are the rules?

The debate promises to be lively, given the invectives that have been flying for months. This Thursday evening – at night, in France – the outgoing president, Joe Biden, and his predecessor who hopes to return to the White House, Donald Trump, will clash with words during a 90-minute face-to-face. Two CNN journalists will be in charge.

Despite the tension between the two rivals, already opposed in the race during the November 2020 election, the evening should not turn into a free-for-all, because strict rules have been defined. To avoid repeating the cacophony that reigned between the Republican and the Democrat during the debates of the previous election.

The channel sent, in May, the list of uses of this verbal joust, which the two candidates agreed to respect.

Two minutes per question

Candidates will have two minutes to answer the questions asked of them, and an additional minute to react and refute their opponent’s arguments. Journalists may decide to give them another minute for clarification, CNN reported.

Furthermore, contrary to usual practice, the debate will not begin with a statement from Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Both will, however, have two minutes at the end of the show to speak.

Microphones alternately muted

When a candidate’s speaking time is up, their microphone will simply be… cut off! A few seconds before, he will be warned that the granted minute(s) are coming to an end by a light system (first orange, then flashing red and finally solid red). The opponent’s microphone will then be open.

If Donald Trump or Joe Biden decide to continue speaking, their voices will be heard in the background, but their words will be difficult to hear behind those of the candidate whose microphone is working, CNN explains.

No discussion during the ad and no rating

The 90-minute debate will be interrupted by two commercial breaks, notes CNN. During these breaks, campaign teams are prohibited from interacting with their candidate.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump will therefore not be able to count on a little help from their advisors. No question, either, of relying on notes to refresh their memory. They will only be allowed to have blank sheets of paper and pens to take notes during the discussions.

No audience

As specified by CNN, the host channel, the debate will take place in studios and will not welcome an audience, contrary to tradition. The idea is to avoid any external disturbance and disruption. Because, as The Time reminds us, although the public is asked to remain calm, they have more than once expressed themselves strongly in the past during this type of exercise.

In 2020, the debates between Joe Biden and then-incumbent President Donald Trump were punctuated by insults and interruptions. In response to the Republican’s numerous heckles, the Democrat even ended up retorting on set: “Would you shut up?” This kind of scene should not be happening tonight. Or, at least, not behind a turned-on microphone.


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