DayFR Euro

Vidauban fire: “If there had been twelve Canadair available it would have been easier” for the Var departmental fire and rescue service

Concerning the Vidauban fire at the beginning of June, the Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis 83), based in Muy, estimates that “the commanders of rescue operations are not the Canadair pilots but the firefighters who, therefore, implement their operational strategy.”

“If there had been twelve Canadairs available it would have been easier, but we cannot always have the maximum. In addition, it is important to point out that forest fires are extinguished at night on the ground. Three Canadairs and a heavy water bomber helicopter (Puma heavy) already represents, for this season, significant aerial means of combat. The latter, which were engaged on June 11, then the following day, carried out a total of 129 drops on. this fire.”

Global shortage of aviation technicians

In Nîmes-Garons, at Sabena Technics, David Sadik Budha, who participated in the strike at the beginning of June, refuses to make a forecast for the summer season.

“Management has made commitments which are being implemented. This does not happen in the blink of an eye. For the moment it is not obvious but it is improving”he assures.

This elected official from the Unsa airline union recalls that there is a global shortage of technicians. This does not help recruitment to compensate for the departures which have multiplied since the start of the year. So, he said, “it’s difficult to anticipate the season. Management is committed to bringing in reinforcements from other sites if necessary.”

In other words, if the summer is calm, it may pass, in the event of big fires, it may be complicated, because the workload will then be greater. It all depends on the number of reinforcements.

Sabena Technics did not respond to our request for an interview.


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