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Protests in Kenya | Police fire tear gas

(Nairobi) Kenyan police fired tear gas on Thursday at small groups of demonstrators in Nairobi, the day after President Williem Ruto announced the withdrawal of his proposed budget after Tuesday’s day of protests which degenerated into deadly violence in the capital.

Posted at 7:16 a.m.


France Media Agency

If previous days of mobilization demanding the withdrawal of these new taxes had taken place calmly, Tuesday’s demonstration in Nairobi turned into a bloodbath, particularly around Parliament, some buildings of which were set on fire and ransacked.

Faced with the mobilization, President Ruto announced on Wednesday the withdrawal of the draft budget.

But that did not deter the protesters, who also gathered in the opposition strongholds of Mombasa (east) and Kisumu (west).


Police officers arrested a protester in Nairobi, Kenya on June 27, 2024.

Beyond the draft budget, the protest movement has transformed into a broader denunciation of the policies of William Ruto, elected in 2022 with the promise of promoting redistribution to the working classes.

A few scuffles broke out at midday in Nairobi between the police, deployed in large numbers in the streets of the city center, and small groups of demonstrators. At least three people were arrested, AFP journalists noted.

Police in riot gear blocked access to roads leading to State House – the presidential palace – and Parliament on Thursday.


Kenyan police officers stand in front of a roadblock making one of the roads leading to State House inaccessible, in Nairobi, June 27, 2024.

During the previous mobilization on Tuesday, the police had, according to several NGOs, fired live ammunition to try to contain the crowd which forced the security barriers to enter the complex of the National Assembly and the Senate, an unprecedented attack in the history of the independent country since 1963.

A total of 22 people were killed during the day, including 19 in Nairobi, and more than 300 injured, said the Kenyan human rights body (KNHRC).

“Unfamiliar terrain”

Thursday, a little earlier in the morning, in the business center of the capital, where many businesses remained closed, Moe, employed in a perfumery, had lowered the curtain. “We don’t know what’s going to happen […] We cannot take risks,” he told AFP.

“Why did they have to kill these young people? This bill is not worth people dying for […] Some people are angry and might want revenge,” he laments in front of his perfume store, adding: “We are in unknown territory.”

On Wednesday, a figure in the protest movement, journalist and activist Hanifa Adan, called for demonstrations again on Thursday during a “peaceful” white march in memory of the victims.

A few hours later, William Ruto, who the day before had said he wanted to firmly repress “violence and anarchy”, finally announced the withdrawal of the draft budget, and said he wanted a national consultation with young people.


Kenya’s President William Ruto speaks to the media during a press conference at State House in Nairobi on June 26, 2024.

An announcement immediately qualified as a “communication operation” by Hanifa Adan, and greeted with suspicion by a number of demonstrators, like Nelly, 26, who told AFP that he wanted to join this march, judging the withdrawal of the project from the announced budget by the president “too weak, too late”. “He could have done it sooner without people dying,” she said.

“We will march for a better future in Kenya,” she added.

The president of the Kenya Medical Association, Simon Kigondu, said he had never seen before Tuesday “such a level of violence against unarmed people”.


The spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday demanded that responsibilities be “clearly” established following the deaths of the protesters.

The government, which considers the new taxes necessary to give the heavily indebted country some room to maneuver, announced on June 18 that it was withdrawing most of these measures. But the protesters demanded the complete withdrawal of the text.


A man during a protest in Nairobi, Kenya, June 27, 2024.

“How can we manage our debt situation together? asked William Ruto after capitulating on the draft budget.

He was particularly concerned about a significant hole in funding for programs for farmers and teachers.

The government “will now have to find a way to pacify two opposing forces: a population willing to resort to violence to protect its livelihoods, and a macroeconomic trajectory that, in the absence of considerable multilateral support, is heading toward the precipice,” according to an analysis by the Oxford Economics Institute.

The country’s public debt stands at about Sh10 trillion (C$104 billion), or about 70% of GDP. The 2024-25 budget had earmarked Sh4 trillion (C$42 billion) in spending, a record.


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