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Volodymyr Zelensky recalls that Ukraine needs France, and especially targets the RN

YOAN VALAT / AFP In an interview with AFP this Thursday, June 27, Volodymyr Zelensky recalled the importance of France’s “independence” in the face of the Russian aggressor.


In an interview with AFP this Thursday, June 27, Volodymyr Zelensky recalled the importance of France’s “independence” in the face of the Russian aggressor.

POLITICS – Follow his gaze. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was convinced that the new French government that will emerge from the legislative elections will maintain its support for Ukraine in the face of Russia, in an interview with AFP on Thursday, June 27.

“We believe that the French will continue to support Ukraine”, Zelensky first insisted. Before adding: “We are convinced that the next government will be independent of the Russian aggressor.” A remark far from insignificant as the far-right National Rally party, favorite in the election, was accused of proximity to Russia.

“Similarly, by the will of the French people, the next government will continue to fully support Ukraine both on the battlefield” and in its membership of the EU, he continued.

Bardella is opposed to sending French troops

At the end of the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron, a supporter of Volodymyr Zelensky, risks finding himself living alongside a far-right Prime Minister who could review the extent of military aid provided to kyiv.

In February, Emmanuel Macron opened the debate on sending Western soldiers to Ukraine, refusing to exclude this option. This idea was freshly received within the European powers but certain allies – Czech Republic, Poland, Baltic States in particular – approved it.

The president of the RN Jordan Bardella, who could become the next French Prime Minister, is opposed to the sending of French troops to Ukraine as well as the delivery of “long range missiles” allowing the Ukrainian army to strike Russian territory.

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