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Good vs Trump, why is this debate eagerly awaited in the United States?

Joe Biden and Donald Trump will debate on the night of Thursday June 28 to Friday June 29 as part of the presidential election. A first confrontation since 2020.

After months of invective, the time for confrontation has come. Joe Biden and Donald Trump, neck and neck in the polls, meet on Thursday June 28 for the first debate of the American presidential election. Millions of Americans will have their eyes glued to their screens for a high-tension face-to-face between the Democratic president and his Republican predecessor.

The two men will debate from 9 p.m. in Georgia, one of the most contested states in the election. Their duel, expected to last 90 minutes, will be moderated by two CNN journalists, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Anxious to avoid the cacophony of the first debate of 2020, during which Joe Biden and Donald Trump spent an hour and a half insulting and interrupting each other, the channel adopted a series of rules supposed to regulate their exchanges. The show will take place without an audience, without a teleprompter. Above all, Joe Biden’s microphone will be cut off when Donald Trump speaks and vice versa.

A debate followed by the Americans

According to a Quinnipiac University poll, the vast majority of Americans plan to watch Thursday night’s debate.

16% of Americans do not rule out the possibility that the show will change the way they vote.

But Thursday’s debate will be exceptional in every way, as the outcome of the November ballot is uncertain. Never before have Americans had to decide between candidates as old as the 81-year-old Democratic president who, it must be said, is showing obvious signs of fatigue, and his Republican opponent, only three years his junior.

Likewise, Americans have never had to decide whether or not to entrust the keys to the White House to a former president with a criminal conviction. Donald Trump will be sentenced in New York on July 11. He faces prison. The Democrats are counting on the contrast between a Joe Biden who is not very charismatic but reasonable and competent, and a multi-indicted predecessor, temperamental and prone to false digressions.

“A trophy to Joe Biden if he manages to stand up”

The Republican, who never conceded defeat in 2020 and did not commit to respecting the verdict of the polls in November, will undoubtedly reserve barbs for his opponent on his physical and mental form.

The former president even insinuated that his rival would be “doped” before appearing in front of the cameras.

But the septuagenarian’s supporters know that this strategy of denigration could backfire, since even an average performance by the current president on Thursday could then be considered a victory.

“In the media, many are already ready to give Joe Biden a trophy if he can stand for 90 minutes.”

Jason Miller (Republican)

Usually, candidates for the White House wait until the fall to debate, but the Democrat challenged his rival to face him before the summer in order to quickly establish a contrast which, Joe Biden is convinced , will work in its favor.

A second debate is planned on ABC on September 10, two months before this explosive election.

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With AFP.


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