DayFR Euro

230 students gathered for Olympic Day

For the second year in a row, the Tambourinette site hosted the Olympic Day sports event. Organised by the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee (CDOS), in collaboration with the Union sportive de l’enseignement du premier niveau (USEP) and the departmental sports committees, this day brought together two hundred and thirty pupils from cycle 2 (from CP to CE2), from Cosne-sur-Loire, Saint-Andelain, Tracy-sur-Loire, Suilly-la-Tour, Saint-Benin-des-Bois, Brinon-sur-Beuvron and Clamecy. The Cité des Flotteurs was represented by pupils from the Claude-Tillier school groups (four classes) and Ferme-Blanche (two classes), i.e. around one hundred locals.

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Sixteen workshops (football, handball, basketball, rugby, archery, cycling, gymnastics, athletics, bowling, table tennis, adapted sport, language animated by Usep, drawing to support the Paris Olympics animated by the CDOS), were distributed over three locations, the land in front of the gymnasium, in it and on the stabilized ground.

Each group had to participate in eight workshops for thirty minutes, four in the morning and four in the afternoon, after the one-hour meal break. These workshops were led by members of the departmental sports committees. The gathering ended shortly after 3 p.m., with the performance of a song composed by the Coulanges-lès-Nevers school and the distribution, to each school, of a gift bag, for each student.

At the end of this meeting, Adeline Theraroz, vice-president of CDOS; Sophie Canivet, director, and Olivier Pierre, departmental president of Usep, gave a positive assessment. This new edition will have brought together 1,500 students compared to 980 in 2023. This year, six days were organized compared to four in 2023. In addition to Clamecy, they have been held, since June 16, in Moulins-Engilbert, Decize, Nevers (two days) and Coulanges-lès-Nevers (it takes place today).


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