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Trump-Biden duel, the turning point – L’Avenir

This Thursday evening, the United States will witness a new duel between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Four years after the famous “Will you shut up, man?” dropped by Joe Biden, exasperated by his rival’s incessant interruptions, the two men meet for a first televised debate on CNN.

After months of invective and 5 months before the American presidential election next November, this first debate will sound for many Americans like an entry into the campaign. Especially for those who believe that the outgoing president no longer has the necessary capabilities to carry out such a function.

Between his age (he will be 86 at the end of this second term if he wins) and his repeated blunders, multiplying the moments of absence and physical difficulties, Joe Biden is in fact regularly the target of mockery. Latest hiccup to date, Barack Obama came to his aid to guide him off stage during a major fundraiser in Hollywood.

Images which are a hit with the Republican opposition which, it is pointed out, sees no problem in sending a candidate facing criminal charges and responsible for an attempted coup d’état. Let everyone have their own handicap.

But if it is well known that Americans like comebacks and other remakes, this one will have a different flavor. The two oldest candidates in American history will have 90 minutes, interspersed with two advertisements (of course) to convince. and in order to avoid the cacophony of the first debate, the microphones will be cut off by journalists in the event of untimely interruptions. Another notable fact, the public will be absent and the two candidates will not be entitled to cards as reminders or teleprompters.

We understand that the form of the debate seems to be much more important than the substance. And Joe Biden, who is neck and neck in the polls with Trump, has a lot to play for. His performance during this meeting will be scrutinized from all sides because the stakes in the American presidential election go well beyond the borders of the United States. So will we see a turning point five months before the election? It’s very likely.


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