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Legislative elections 2024. What are the candidates for the 3rd constituency of Morbihan proposing for health?

Emergencies regulated at night since mid-May 2023 at the Central Brittany hospital center, patients in the corridors on stretchers, doctors missing from the hospital, just like general practitioners, specialists and dentists… Miles away do to get to an appointment when you manage to get one.

The findings are severe on a medical level in the Centre-Breton territory, which is certainly not the only one to suffer in France. However, the problem is sufficiently serious – despite some good news such as a new MRI or the imminent arrival of nuclear medicine – for the question to be asked of legislative candidates. Here is what the editorial team asked the aspiring deputies for the Pontivy-Elven constituency, the 3e du Morbihan: What would be your concrete and achievable ideas to fight against medical desertification and to improve patient care, particularly in hospitals?

Read also: Morbihan. The crisis of the public hospital in rural areas is illustrated in Noyal-Pontivy

Marie-Madeleine Doré-Lucas, New Popular Front

“The action must be carried out across the entire national territory. The program of the New Popular Front on which I rely provides for actions in several stages.

Firstly, immediately, we will set up a national conference to save the public hospital to avoid saturation this summer. At the same time, we will propose an increase in night and weekend work for staff.

In the next two or three months, we will work on a major law to safeguard the public health service with regulation – incentive or obligation, to be discussed – of the installation of doctors in medical deserts. We will restore the hours…


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