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towards an agreement between social partners on compensation

While the legislative machine has been at a standstill since the dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9, social democracy continues to function. On the evening of Tuesday June 25, the unions and employers reached a “record of decisions” whose objective is to improve compensation for victims of work accidents and occupational diseases.

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A broad consensus seems to have emerged but the stakeholders must still consult their bodies before indicating whether they endorse the text – certain organizations, such as the CGT, letting nothing appear about their intentions. In the event of agreement – ​​which seems to be the most likely hypothesis – it will then be up to the executive to say whether it takes up the document in question in the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2025. The future of “recommendations” made by employers’ and employees’ organizations is therefore closely dependent on the result of the legislative elections and the government team which will take charge in July.

The “record of decisions” developed Tuesday evening is part of a long series which began more than a year ago. On May 15, 2023, unions and employers reached an agreement on the work accidents-occupational illnesses (AT-MP) branch of Social Security. The compromise reached seeks – among other things – to increase the financial compensation granted to people whose physical integrity or health has suffered damage, in connection with their activity. To be able to be implemented, the provisions adopted by the social partners need to be introduced into law. A transcription which the government proceeds to, four months later, in article 39 of the PLFSS 2024.


But the writing adopted is suitable neither for victims’ associations nor for unions because it would bring no improvement – ​​or minimal – and would have the effect, moreover, of countering new case law from the Court of Cassation, from January 2023 , which is to the advantage of employees. Article 39 is withdrawn and those in power invite the social partners to come back around the table. The latter formulated, in November 2023, counter-proposals which the Ministry of Labor rejected, because they do not hold water, according to it, on a legal level. The unions and employers are resuming their reflections to, ultimately, arrive at the “record of decisions” Tuesday evening.

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