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12 shots fired at his partner and 25 years of criminal imprisonment required

Jameson Hodge decided to play his part while denying the facts with which he is accused and by pleading “Not guilty”. Since Monday, this 40-year-old man, originally from Dominica, and who entered Guadeloupe illegally, has appeared before the Basse-Terre Assizes for having shot his concubine 12 times. A compatriot, 2 years older, mother of 2 little girls aged 4 and 6.

The tragedy occurred on the evening of July 30, 2021 on Morne Fléret in Les Abymes.

As during the investigation, he continued to proclaim his innocence at the hearing. But, after two days of trial, his testimony did not convince the Public Prosecutor who requested against him 25 years of criminal imprisonment. For this murder, he faces life imprisonment.

Far from having shown his good faith, he is an accused without compassion who appeared for 2 days at his trial, 3 years after the death by firearm of his partner.

The man didn’t seem to be affected by it. And, if he is, as the prosecution believes, the author of the shooting, he did not seem to experience any sign of weakness, regret or remorse.

No doubt, for the general advocate

The verdict is expected this Wednesday, at midday. The court and the jurors will look at these days of hearing during which everyone was able to express their opinion between the declarations, the depositions, the testimonies, the reports, the requisitions and the pleadings of each other.

Pour Jameson Hodge, accused of killing Younis Marka woman described as gentle, good with everyone and earning a modest living from cleaning services, it’s double or nothing.

On the one hand, the 25 years of criminal imprisonment required by Elodie Rouchouse, the general counsel. For her, there is not a shadow of doubt about the guilt of the accused. THE witnesses, expert reports, the past of the accused are in no way favorable to him. But Maître Sandra Adonis believes, on the contrary, that nothing can be held against him. She pleaded for acquittal.

THE 6 popular jurors and 3 professional magistrates should take several hours before rendering their verdict this Wednesday.


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