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Fatima-Zahra Ammor wants to compensate for the high prices of tourist services –

IAsked during an oral questions session in the House of Representatives, the Minister of Tourism was keen to highlight the ministry’s efforts to increase the tourist offer and thus reduce costs for consumers.

According to Hespress, the minister highlighted the tourism roadmap which encourages investment in the most demanded segments such as beaches and nature, and the development of tourism products that meet the needs of Moroccans throughout the year. . She also mentioned the new legislative framework for tourist establishments which promotes diversification of the offer with appropriate quality and prices, including alternatives such as local accommodation.

Ammor noted the significant contributions of tourism to the Moroccan economy, with the sector accounting for 7% of GDP and employing around 1.5 million people. She recalled that Morocco had attracted 14.5 million tourists the previous year, generating 105 billion dirhams in foreign exchange revenue. This positive trend continues, with 5.9 million tourists welcomed in the first five months of this year.

She also underlined that the 2023-2026 tourism strategy aimed to attract 17.5 million tourists and generate 120 billion dirhams in foreign exchange revenue by 2026. The strategic plan focuses on a diversified customer experience through different themes and initiatives to strengthen domestic tourism, essential to make tourism accessible to Moroccans throughout the year and contribute to the balance of prices on the local market.


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