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Married at First Sight (M6): Is Camille, who was to marry Romain, still in a relationship? (SPOILER)

Romain was to marry Camille, his first accountant, who had finally given up participating in the adventure after admitting in a video that she had found love with someone else. Experts Estelle Dossin and Gilbert Bou Jaoudé then found a second compatibility, even stronger than the previous one, with Clémence. Things seemed to be going well before Jérémy finally refused to marry the young woman. He explained that he had not felt the spark that could have convinced him to embark on a marriage. Obsessed by the thought of Camille whose face he had difficulty forgetting, Romain asked Gilbert Bou Jaoudé to send him a message.

Will Camille and Romain give themselves a chance?

In a previous episode, the dad confided to his friend Charlène: I think there is a possibility, in my head I tell myself that there is a good chance that I will say yes but I cannot assure you, you see… I don’t know. I need to see her and see if there’s a connection between us, if I feel a blockage or something like that. It wouldn’t be bad to see her, I’d like to know what happened to her. And I’m always looking for true love, no more, no less and it could be Camille.”. For a few months, I projected myself onto her and I couldn’t stop thinking about Camille…”, said Romain before offering to Camille via audio to meet her in real life over a drink.

An approach welcomed by the mother of a little girl who agreed to see Romain. Since this episode aired, a question has been on everyone’s lips: is Camille still in a relationship? In the final episode of Married at first sight broadcast this June 24, we have finally decided! “She is smiling, she seems natural. I have the impression of detecting a sparkling side in her (…) I like her”, he admitted off the record. He then asked Camille if she was still in a relationship to find out if they could consider seeing each other again.

“I met my sweetheart during the experience and as I told you, I had to make this decision and today, we are still together and we have a blended family. He has two children, I have my daughter so that’s what”, she informed him. Very disappointed, he confided off-camera: “If she wasn’t in a relationship, we could have met again eventually”. And Camille admits, in turn, aside: “The match was successful. The experts worked well. If I had found myself in front of him in Gibraltar, I would surely have said yes”. They could therefore have had a common future but destiny decided otherwise…


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