DayFR Euro

Tangier: 12 hectares of fields destroyed by fire in the Had El Gharbia region

The fire which broke out in a field in Had El Gharbia (10 kilometers north of Assilah) was completely brought under control on Sunday afternoon, after having ravaged around 12 hectares of vegetation composed of secondary plant substances , has learned Le360 with local authorities. No human losses have been reported.

The interventions to extinguish this fire were carried out by teams made up of members of Civil Protection, the Royal Gendarmerie, and the Auxiliary Forces, supported by agents of National Mutual Aid and volunteers from the region.

Read also: Tangier: violent fire in El Aouama, 6 hectares of forest cover ravaged

Local authorities mobilized several resources, materials, machines and technical means, including tankers, ambulances and first response vehicles and others for extinguishing the fires.

Moreover, Le360 learns that the Royal Gendarmerie has opened a judicial investigation, under the supervision of the public prosecutor’s office, to determine the causes of the fire. Two individuals have already been arrested, one of whom is the driver of a harvester. According to the first elements collected, a short circuit on this machine which was harvesting herbs was the cause of the fire, which then spread quickly to other locations due to gusts of wind.


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