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Legislative: Mélenchon Prime Minister? Hollande asks him to “shut up”, the Insoumis refuses to “give in”

More and more tensions. Former President François Hollande on Sunday urged Jean-Luc Mélenchon to “shut up” in view of the “rejection” caused by the Insoumis, who after repeating the day before that he was applying for Matignon, replied that he did not had “never given in” to anyone. “If I have a message to convey, it is that Jean-Luc Mélenchon (…), if he wants to be of service to the New Popular Front, he must step aside, he must be silent” , declared Mr. Hollande to a few journalists from his stronghold of Corrèze, where he is a candidate in these early legislative elections.

Find the candidates in your constituency and, on June 30 from 8 p.m., the results of the first round of the legislative elections at Paris, Lyon, Marseille and throughout France.

“That doesn’t mean I deny the sensitivity that it represents,” he continued. “But when there is more rejection of Jean-Luc Mélenchon than of (Marine) Le Pen or (Jordan) Bardella, there is a moment when we must be aware of what the general interest is,” he said. he pleaded. “Do we want the left to win or on the contrary do we want to create conflict? I refuse conflictuality because that is what the extreme right wants,” the former head of state further argued, calling on Mr. Mélenchon to “make an effort.”

“I intend to govern this country”

This exit of Mr. Hollande joins the position of several executives of the left allied within the New Popular Front, like the socialist Sébastien Vincini, who estimated on Sunday in Le Point that Mr. Mélenchon could “not be the a man of consensus and compromise, he cannot claim to govern. The country needs calm and the ability to project itself. »

On Saturday, the leader of the Insoumis relaunched the debate on the left-wing candidate for Matignon, by expressing his “intention to govern this country”. He responded on Sunday to François Hollande from Montpellier, where he was holding a meeting, by affirming that “popularity is not on the side he thinks”, in reaction to boos from the public when he mentioned the name of the former president .

VideoLegislative: “If you think that I should not be Prime Minister, I will not be,” says Mélenchon

“You know what type of man I am (…). If I am where I am, it is because all this time I have never given in,” boasted the Insoumis, paraphrasing Edmond Rostand: “I will never renounce the honor of being a target, as Cyrano de Bergerac says. “For the offense to reach its target, it must start from the same level as this one. And that’s not the case,” Mr. Mélenchon quipped again.


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