DayFR Euro

what consequences for your wallet with the new system

© Willfried Wende/Pixabay

– What will be the impact of the new off-peak/peak hours system?

It is a system that has existed for almost 65 years: for better manage their electricity consumptionmany French people use off-peak and peak hours. This allows, for example, to program certain of their appliances such as washing machines or dishwashers for certain time slots to benefit from a reduced electricity rate. This can be at night for some French people or at lunchtime. But after a year of reflection, the Energy Regulatory Commission has expressed its wish to “modernize” the distribution of off-peak electricity hours by launching a public consultation. The goal: “Encourage people to shift consumption habits towards periods when energy is abundant and less expensive.”

The regulator leans towards a more dynamic model based on seasons, where off-peak hours could be available in the afternoon in the summer. For what ? Because the current model no longer seems suitable to the needs or energy resources present. The production of renewable energy, including photovoltaics and wind power, has developed in Europe and allows you to benefit from cheap electricity when there is sunshine, explained Capital a few weeks ago. With off-peak hours in the evening, the system is no longer suitable.

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How to really reduce your electricity bills?

Off-peak rates could change during the day

If in winter, off-peak hours could be kept in the evening or at night, in summer, they could therefore be shifted in the afternoon. This should allow better management of electrical resources. But also for consumers to be able to save money. However, to do this, we will undoubtedly have to learn to consume differently. How ? By clearly identifying the new off-peak time slots.

But as the site explains, it will undoubtedly be necessary to invest in intelligent equipment capable of programming certain electrical equipment during these off-peak hours. It may also be wise to equip yourself with solar panels andapplications capable of tracking of your energy consumption. Whether regulated sales tariff (TRV) customers or others, everyone should be a winner. As mentioned Capitaloff-peak daytime rates could change to encourage customers to consume more during the day.


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