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Saint-Jean Day: Quebec is unlucky

Published on June 20, 2024 at 9:32 p.m.

Quebec is likely to see action for the national holiday. Forecast.

A wasted weekend

Quebec is unlucky for the National Day weekend. Considering that almost all of the festivities take place on Sunday, June 23, the news is not good. In fact, it’s probably the worst day of the three. Initially, a system risks spilling over into the south of the province on Saturday. Rain is anticipated especially in Montérégie, Montreal, Estrie, Beauce and Outaouais.

Sunday at the water

The passage of a second system risks compromising the festivities planned for June 23. The models anticipate significant amounts of rain in several regions of Quebec, notably for Montreal, the Laurentians, Outaouais, Montérégie and Estrie. Other sectors would also be entitled to rain, but to a lesser extent: Quebec, Beauce and Abitibi. This disturbance could also cause thunderstorms. These storm cells would be fueled by a significant amount of energy in the atmosphere.

From standing still

Quebec would have some difficulty getting rid of this system. On Monday, residual showers could persist in certain areas. The eastern regions of the province, Quebec, Beauce and Estrie would experience a rainy Monday. However, all is not lost since a lull could provide a little respite and allow the outdoor festivities to take place.

Lots of water

Given the high moisture content in the atmosphere and the potential of this well-organized system, heavy rain is anticipated on Sunday. According to models, accumulations of nearly 50 mm are possible in the far south of Quebec by Monday.

With the collaboration of Nicolas Lessard, meteorologist.

SEE ALSO: Thunderstorms in Quebec: torrential rain, hailstones and power outages


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