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in the Doubs, residents fear that “what happens elsewhere will happen here”

Christiane is used to sitting on a bench. The one which faces his apartment and adjoins the old village school of Allezcourt (Doubs), along the main road. It’s the daily breath of fresh air that this 85-year-old widow enjoys, in this town of 6,000 inhabitants, located between the Stellantis (ex-Peugeot) factories of Sochaux-Montbéliard and Switzerland, to the east. . Christiane has never worked. She raised her three boys and always voted like her husband, ” to the right “. In the legislative elections, she will therefore vote for Emmanuel Macron. Danielle, who sat next to him that day to cut the bib, no. His voice will go “for the young man there, Jordan”. Like 43.4% of the voters of Lorscourt who have already voted for the National Rally (RN) candidate, Jordan Bardella, during the European elections on June 9.

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This is not the first time that Danielle, 75, has put an RN ballot in the ballot box. She does so thinking about her modest retirement – ​​she spent her entire career within the second largest French automotive supplier, Faurecia – and “to those who do nothing, who break everything and we give in”. Immigration is also a subject of discontent. ” I worked with [des immigrés], forty years ago, they were good. But there are more and more of them and there are some who lack respect, they still have to adapt”she explains.

Nicole says more or less the same thing. This 76-year-old retiree meets friends every afternoon on the banks of the Gland, the river which crosses the town. She will vote RN, as she is now used to doing. Because’” it has to change “. Macron ? “He’s one of the highest, his promises are nothing but wind. » Nicole spent part of her career “the Peuge”, as we call here the automobile factory which irrigated the entire employment area. Before stopping to raise her children and then working as a housekeeper and with the elderly. She receives 1,500 euros per month in retirement. “The artists who say: “Vote like this”, all they have to do is give us their pay and retire,” she says.

The fear that “what happens elsewhere happens here”

Retirees make up a third of the inhabitants of the commune where Emmanuel Macron came first in the second round of the 2017 presidential election but was well ahead of Marine Le Pen in the two rounds of the 2022 election. , Géraldine Grangier, is also enrolled in the RN. The various right-wing mayor, Daniel Buchwalder, 75, cannot really explain this rooting: “Here, we have a rather middle-class sociology, there are no large ensembles, no rodeos. A car burned once, in 1998. We have a bit of noise from young people but we can’t say that it’s the area. » More than a reality, the councilor perceives a “feeling of insecurity”the fear that “what happens elsewhere happens here”. He also speaks of a “annoyance” of its citizens towards immigrants.

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