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Legislative elections 2024. “Purchasing power question, we cannot count on political promises”, words of voters at the doors of a brand new low-cost brand

Slashed prices, single items or on pallets, the new Atacadao brand, a Brazilian discounter, has opened its doors in Aulnay-sous-Bois in Seine-Saint-Denis. Consumers concerned about their food budget but also disillusioned voters, Philippe, Fatoumata and Monique made the trip.

“In my family, I’m the one who does the shopping and I have six children. I try to manage my food budget with 300 or 350 euros per month. Food is expensive. That’s what we experience every day. What politicians say and their promises we hear to reduce prices, that doesn’t convince me for the moment.”

Fatoumata, mother of six children and her sister came this morning from Sarcelles. Curious to discover what the very first Atacadao brand looks like, a new type of discounter imported from Brazil by the Carrefour Group, new in France and inaugurated this Thursday near their home, in Aulnay-sous-Bois.

The items are offered individually on the shelves but also packaged in large volumes on pallets.

© Jean Forneris

In this 9,000 m2 pilot warehouse store, the principle is simple. The more you buy, the cheaper it is. Food and non-food items are sold individually, but the customer can purchase the same product in large quantities. For example, a simple packet of pasta, but also an entire palette of the same product. The price of the item decreases depending on the quantity purchased. The brand defines itself as a warehouse store “open to everyone” for individuals and professionals alike.

Philippe inspects his shopping cart which is gradually filling with packs of sodas and mineral water while his daughter Virginie “in vision” on his cell phone with his mother, films the price labels in the drinks section.

Whether it’s the left or the right, they say what they want! I no longer believe in it, I no longer vote.

“With the current situation, frankly, the prices here are becoming interesting. We may be buying in bulk as a result, it’s more advantageous. In any case, when it comes to purchasing power, we’re not going to rely on political promises Whether it’s the left or the right, they say what they want. In the end, when they come to power, they remove half of their program. I don’t believe it anymore, I don’t vote anymore.“, assumes Philippe.

Philippe and Virginie in the store’s drinks section.

© Jean Forneris

Present at the inauguration this Thursday, the CEO of the Carrefour group, Alexandre Bompard praised a range of products “at prices that cannot be found in France”and a type of sign adapted to “popular areas” and professionals. “Probably the best anti-crisis solution” in the face of inflation, he declared in 2022, when announcing the establishment of Atacadao in Île-de-France.

Monique and Sonia, mother of two children, slowly walk the aisles of the store and also compare the price tags. “A little disappointed so far.” Sonia notices that her food budget is eating into her lifestyle more and more. “We do fewer activities for children, fewer restaurants.”

Politics, don’t talk to us about it, we’re more than disappointed

Sonia, mother of two children

On the electoral program side, Sonia and Monique do not have hope, they say, and do not expect much from the promises of political parties to preserve their purchasing powers. “The programs will not be respected. Politics, don’t talk to us about it, we’re more than disappointed. But we will not vote for the National Front. (..) We want to stay in Europe.”

The brand announces between 13,000 and 20,000 references in the food sector;

© Jean Forneris

Since its opening this morning, Karim, who runs a food business near Aulnay-sous-Bois, has already come twice. In his shopping cart, packs of beers and other drinks are piled up “for 290 euros this time ( .. ) We are always looking for cheaper. It’s good that this type of store multiplies in relation to purchasing power”, believes Karim.

Crossed in the aisles of the store on Friday, Olivier Dauvers, expert in commerce and mass consumption and editor specializing in mass distribution, tempers.“Despite everything, it remains a niche consumer because: who comes here? The extremely price-sensitive consumer. This consumer must be ready to make a sacrifice. There is less choice here than elsewhere. In a normal hypermarket of the same size, you would have around 50 to 60,000 references. Here, you have 13,000, that means 4 to 5 times less. So, we have to be ready to trade less choice for lower prices, and not all consumers are ready for that.”

Read also : MAP. Inflation, purchasing power, salary: “The less income you have, the less you will vote”

In Aulnay-sous-Bois, the Atacadao brand promises to be in “the least expensive in the area. Carrefour gives itself “between six and eight months to understand if the model is good”without specifying a turnover objective, before considering opening other stores in the same format.


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