DayFR Euro

diesel is on the rise again, gasoline is not following

The weeks follow one another and have been similar lately. Fuel prices continued to fall for French motorists. In the middle of June, however, a new development should be reported. If gasoline has declined, diesel follows a different path.

According to data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, it now stands at €1.6825/L. It is increasing by no less than 0.9 euro cents per liter, on average in France. Last week, its price was €1.6738/L.

Enough to put an end to no less than 10 consecutive weeks of decline. At the end of April, this fuel was priced at €1.7907/L. It had only gone down since then.

Gasoline down sharply

This contrasts with the reduction, at the same time, in the price of gasoline. Over a week, the different prices fell by around 06 euro cents per liter over a week. This is true for the SP95, its E10 version and the SP98.

Thus, this first pass now costs €1.8399/L on average in France, compared to €1.8427/L on June 7. The second is the most affordable, at €1.8012/L, compared to €1.8078/L last Friday. Finally, SP98 remains the fuel with the highest price. It is 1.9073 €/L, compared to 1.9128 €/L last week.

Fuels: weekly average prices (as of June 14)

  • Diesel – 1.6825 €/L
  • SP95 – €1.8399/L
  • SP95-E10 – €1.8012/L
  • SP98 – €1.9073/L

These decreases in gasoline prices can be explained by the decline in oil prices. Recently, they have declined sharply. Which therefore always has an effect on prices at the pump. This before going back up. Between the beginning of June and currently, the price of a barrel has risen to almost 10 dollars.

The evolution of fuel prices in 2024



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To sum up

Fuel prices are once again following contrary paths in the middle of June. The price of diesel is increasing, while that of gasoline is falling this time. A trend which can be explained by the decline in oil prices.


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