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an employee of the Ministry of the Interior killed at his workplace; Passage of the Olympic flame in Vaucluse; Seven deaths in a road accident in Eure-et-Loir… The main news from this Wednesday, June 19

Photo Le DL/Fabrice Hébrard

“A unique and deep wound”: what we know about the tragedy that occurred on a Ministry of the Interior site in Drôme

A civil servant is suspected of having stabbed her superior on Tuesday June 18 on a Ministry of the Interior site in Montélimar.

The festivities for the launch of the passing of the Olympic flame began this Tuesday, June 18. Photo Le DL/Angélique Surel

Before the passing of the flame, Vaucluse puts on the colors of the Olympic Games

This Wednesday, June 19, will mark the 35th stage of the Olympic torch relay, in the Vaucluse department. She will travel through Rustel, Apt, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Mont Ventoux, Orange, before arriving in Avignon.

Google Street View screenshot

Seven dead in a dramatic road accident in Eure-en-Loir

Illustrative photo The DL/Jean-Baptiste Serron

Thirteen years of criminal imprisonment for running over a motorist in Annecy: “I had one point left on my license and I had been drinking”

At the end of four days of trial at the Haute-Savoie Assize Court, a forty-year-old was convicted of aggravated fatal assault, after the death of a motorist in 2021.

Photo Archives Le DL/Fabrice Hébrard

“Jean-Michel Trogneux”: the fake news about Brigitte Macron in court

Two women who spread the false rumor that Brigitte Macron was a man will be tried this Wednesday afternoon for defamation before the Paris Criminal Court.

The weather forecast for this Wednesday, June 19: the Olympic flame in Vaucluse under a blazing sun!


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