DayFR Euro

“I know it’s hard, Prime Minister”: Edouard Philippe “doubtful” about the candidates for Matignon who have “never managed anything”

“I know it’s hard, Prime Minister. I know it’s going quickly, there are a lot of issues to deal with,” the current mayor of Le Havre, Emmanuel Macron’s prime minister in 2017, recalled in Reims. to 2020.

Occupying Matignon during the yellow vest crisis then during the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic, Edouard Philippe “did not do everything well” during this period, he admitted during this trip to the Marne to support several of the candidates of his party, Horizons, in the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

“I look with doubt at those who claim that they are ready even though they have, in general, never managed anything”, not even a commune, he continued, quoting the president of the National Rally Jordan Bardella, promised to Matignon in the event of his party’s success.

“It’s difficult to manage a municipality, all the mayors will tell you that. And it’s more difficult to manage the State.”

Mr. Bardella, re-elected as a European deputy on June 9, indicated Tuesday evening on France 2 that he would “refuse to be appointed” Prime Minister without an absolute majority.

Horizons, which had 31 deputies during the previous legislature, has nominated 82 candidates for the next legislative elections.

To create “a new parliamentary majority”, Edouard Philippe said he would extend “his hand to all those who are part of the Republican bloc”, from the conservative right to the social democrats.


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