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Guy Drut supports the Ciotti-RN alliance, Oudéa-Castéra speaks of “decline”

The former Olympic champion and Minister of Sports compares Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen to “true right”in an interview with World.

1976 Olympic champion in the 110m hurdles, Guy Drut, now a member of the International Olympic Committee, took a position this Tuesday in an interview with World on the alliance between the Republicans and the National Rally, for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

The former Minister of Sports during the government of Alain Juppé (1995-1997), and ex-MP for Seine-et-Marne labeled RPR, appreciated Éric Ciotti’s agreement with the RN “faced with the left-wing fascist threat” and take the opportunity to support him. “I stay and I will vote for Les Républicains (LR), Eric Ciotti tendency, because I approve of the union of the rights and the alliance with the National Rally (RN)”, he says.

He also took the opportunity to qualify his “friends” Gérard Larcher, Valérie Pécresse, Laurent Wauquiez and Xavier Bertrand of “right-wing bobos, who fly on their backs so as not to see reality”, and he does not judge “not credible”.

If he always says to himself “Chiraquian, Republican and Gaullist”the former hurdler equates Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen to “the true right”. He also believes that the RN, now supported by Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen, ” is not anymore ” the same party as the one to which he is heir, the National Front. He also brought about a rapprochement between the New Popular Front and the “Eastern European countries, at the end of the 1960s”.

“Lapse, inconsistency and inconsistency”

An outing which quickly caused the current Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, to react, who describes this speech as “lapse”. The minister pointed out the comparison of the former hurdler, who claims that there is no “There was no reason for the Olympic Games to go badly with an RN government” since “the attacks in Munich in 1972 did not prevent the Games from taking place”.

This Olympics remained infamous due to an attack committed by a Palestinian commando, which resulted in the death of several Israeli athletes. A total of 17 people were killed during the rescue operation mounted by German police.

“The new recruits of the RN are in its image: all inconsistency and incoherence, says the short-lived Minister of Education. He supports the RN, while wishing to see veiled sportswomen wear the French jersey at the Olympics.

The interview with Le Monde ends with a question about Amélie Oudéa-Castera’s refusal to see French athletes wear the veil at the Games. “Seeing a veiled athlete doesn’t shock me. There is local law [jurisprudence du Conseil d’Etat] and sports law which oppose each other. The IOC authorizes it, I am for sports rights,” replied Guy Drut.

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