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Anti-extreme right front: explosion of creative and colorful posters

It was on June 15, 2024 that they appeared in the streets, in demonstrations against the far right. Colorful, posters with funny slogans, funny puns, from pop culture to politics, they were chosen to accompany with a strong visual imagination the demonstration of the New Popular Front against the extreme right, by wanting preserve a “precious and joyful legacy” from the era of the 40-hour week, paid vacations and the summer hit 36 There is joy !

The idea came from two independent graphic designers, already involved in several political or environmental projects, Geoffrey Dorne and Mathais Rabiot. In a few hours they launched a collaborative graphics website, 24×, to create visuals in support of the New Popular Front: “ We said to ourselves that we had to do something for the New Popular Front, tells Geoffrey Dorne to franceinfo. “ I coded everything with love and passion in a few hours. And then we put it online. Then, we contacted people around us who are graphic designers and off we went! »

1000 posters received in three days

On the collaborative site thus created, a form simply had to be completed to provide a visual. The instructions were clear: a joyful, optimistic tone, a 24 x 36 format, no aggressive or negative images, and this based, if possible, on the measures proposed in the program of the New Popular Front.

The result: more than 1000 posters were received in three days, almost “ of 1 poster per minute, it was a bit crazy » tells Geoffrey Dorne, co-creator of the collaborative graphics site 24× to franceinfo.

The selection was heartbreaking! “ Many of the visuals refer to May 68, to current stars, too. Puns with the word “front”, for example, we received hundreds of them« , « Many posters are very, very funny or thought-provoking » and the objective is “ to be able to put into people’s hands messages in which they find themselves most so that they can project themselves into the positive imagination of the Popular Front“, concludes the graphic designer.

The selected posters are freely accessible and royalty-free, in order to better disseminate and share them. A new creative way to demonstrate with humor, “ thanks to a rather positive imagination“.

See all selected posters


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