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When Eid Al-Adha celebrations become tainted by criminal cases

The period of Eid Al-Adha, supposed to be that of religious communion and reunions where families come together happily, can also become a time of cruel tragedies.

Assaba of this Wednesday, June 19, relates four of these, having caused the death of people, and which took place in different cities of the country, a few days before Eid, or on the same day of this religious festival.

The daily begins by reporting a murder which shocked the inhabitants of Kenitra, a few days before Eid: a man, who worked as a seasonal worker on farms in Spain, killed another, a person from his neighborhood whom he suspected to be his wife’s lover.

Assaba specifies that the prosecution has ordered the detention of the alleged killer, who, accused of having slit the throat of his victim, is currently under investigation for “premeditated murder“.

According to the first elements of this investigation, the man had returned from Spain precisely with the aim of committing this crime, and had acquired all the tools necessary to do so.

He had previously set up cookies, via various technological means, which had enabled him to gather alleged evidence of the adultery of which his wife was guilty with this man, who was part of their neighborhood.

In another case also relayed by Assaba, in Rabat, in the Ocean district, a taxi driver was stabbed to death on the eve of Eid. His alleged murderer, arrested, was placed in detention after having himself admitted to the crime, the circumstances of which have not yet been revealed.

However, informed sources interviewed by the daily suggest the fact that the victim, whose body was found bathed in blood at his home, was probably in a state of intoxication at the time of the events, which should confirm (or deny ) the autopsy.

A heinous murder took place more than 300 kilometers away, in the coastal town of Safi, where, around this time of Eid, a fifty-year-old man was killed. The alleged murderer is a still young man, presented, according to the first conclusions of the current investigation, as being “mentally unstable“.

According to information collected by Assaba, he had recently come to settle with his family in the neighborhood where his victim resided, and would have benefited in the past from medical monitoring, given the fact that he was diagnosed as suffering from psychotic states. Here again, the exact circumstances of this crime are not yet known, and the investigation is still ongoing.

The daily reports a fourth affair which took place in the province of Youssoufia, 90 km east of Safi. A 19-year-old young man is accused of killing a 32-year-old man from his neighborhood on the same day as Eid.

According to initial information obtained by Assaba according to sources close to the investigation, the two men entered into conflict, to the point of coming to blows.

Furthermore, according to certain witnesses present at the time of the events, the two protagonists may have been separated from each other, but while it was believed that this argument had ended, the young man had grabbed a stone that he had violently thrown at the head of this thirty-year-old, who died instantly.

By Fayza Senhaji

06/18/2024 at 7:42 p.m.


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