DayFR Euro

Extreme heat: a first day of sweating and it’s not over

Many workers were patient and tried to cool off as best they could on Tuesday, as a suffocating heat set in which promises to make us sweat again at least until Thursday.

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Millions of Quebecers began Tuesday to feel the effects of a heat dome that originated in the United States and settled over part of the continent.

In Quebec, the thermometer climbed to 31°C in the middle of the afternoon and it was even worse with the humidity which raised the felt temperature to 40.

Richard Fontaine, Simon Nadeau, Frédérick Simard and Florian is under renovation.

Photo Dominique Lelievre

Many valiant workers met by The newspaper despite everything, they looked good under the circumstances.

“We lament in winter that it’s cold when we have heat in summer,” exclaims Ghislain Bergeron, a crane operator we met on a construction site in Sainte-Foy.

No risk to take

In many workplaces exposed to scorching temperatures, “prevention” was the watchword.

Stay hydrated, take cool breaks, cover up, go into the shade: this is what we repeat to ourselves almost everywhere, even though we say we are well aware of the risk of heat stroke.

Frédérick Simard, foreman and roofer for R. Martin roofs, explains the water reserves that have been provided to ensure the hydration of his team.

Photo Dominique Lelievre

The company Toitures R. Martin thought of offering Gatorade to its roofers and tinsmiths who have to work under the blazing sun.

“It’s taken seriously. Heat stroke is dangerous. It can even lead to death. We don’t want our workers to have any discomfort,” explains Simon Nadeau, partner of the company.

In addition, we made sure to have good reserves of cold water and ice and to advance the opening of construction sites as far as possible.

“Depending on the temperature, we can close the site at 1 p.m. if it’s really too hot. When the guys don’t feel well, we automatically stop them from working,” he emphasizes.

There was no question of taking leave, despite the weather, for Mathieu Demers and Gabriel St-Laurent, whom they met while cleaning the windows of a high-rise apartment building in Sainte-Foy.

Photo Dominique Lelievre


Window cleaner at height, Gabriel St-Laurent conceded that “it’s very demanding”.

“You just have to equip yourself, ultimately, with a little hat, sunscreen and lots of water. […] Our bosses are understanding,” he says.

Photo Dominique Lelievre

“The guys have lots of water, large cans insulated with ice,” relates Raphaël Jacques, from the company Les Cèdres de Beauce, who was installing a cedar hedge on residential land in Sillery.

“I love my job, so it definitely makes working easier,” says Léon Chaussé-St-Ours, while mowing a lawn in Sainte-Foy.

Raphaël Jacques was installing a cedar hedge in Sillery. “Rain, no rain, sun, no sun, we continue,” he said.

Photo Dominique Lelievre

This heat regime is not about to fade away, since the temperature could reach a peak of 33°C, with a humidity index of 43, on Wednesday in Quebec.

According to Environment Canada, the heat and humidity will decrease starting Friday.

Léon Chaussé St-Ours, who takes care of lawn maintenance, explains that the temperature is better tolerated when you enjoy your work.

Photo Dominique Lelievre

Since 2019, the CNESST indicates having recorded 3 deaths and 177 occupational injuries attributable to working in the heat.

The CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale also wanted to warn the population since extreme heat is associated with “an increased risk of death, hospitalizations and emergency room visits among people at higher risk.”


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