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At 10 years old, she earned €1,900 selling chickens, the bank confiscated her earnings: “I deserved this money”

Kinley Maner, a 10-year-old girl from rural Thatcher, Arizona, transformed a innocent passion for chickens into a lucrative adventure. It all started when she decided to raise them to sell them at the fair of the county, attracted by the charm of these little creatures. “ I just thought it would be fun, because when they're little, they are so cute. “, she told KY3.

This project quickly turned into a life lesson. His father, JR Maner, did not hide his pride. “ It really taught him kind of strict obedience when she is outside and has to take care of an animal. “, he explained, emphasizing everything that the experience brought to his daughter. At the Graham County Fair, Kinley displayed his chickens with palpable pride, before putting them up for auction. The success exceeded all their expectations: the six chickens were sold for the impressive sum of 1.900

Chickens at the heart of a banking battle

However, the joy quickly gave way to great frustration. The Small Stock Association treasurer issued a check to Kinley, deposited into the account of his mother, Kalli Maner, at Chase Bank. What should have been a simple banking transaction turned into a nightmare : the account has been frozen and the check blocked. The reason? The bank considered the check suspicious, claiming that the association's telephone number was out of service. « Their answer is that Kinley
will not get his money back.
», Lamented JR Maner, visibly distraught.

The mother spent hours on the phone, desperately trying to resolve the situation. Even the man who wrote the check went to the bank three times, to no avail. There rigidity of the banking protocol left the family in a bind: “ They said the only way to verify it was to use that number on the phone. “, said Kalli Maner, exasperated.

photo credit: Shutterstock Kinley's success in selling her chickens turned into a nightmare when Chase Bank froze the check she received

The little girl's fight to recover her dues

A year passed, and Kinley still hadn't didn't get his money. « I was a little upset because I deserved the money, and it was supposed to be mine. “, she declared bitterly. For her parents, it is a
blatant injustice. « We think she deserves to receive the money she rightfully earned. », insisted the dad. The family then decided to publicize their misadventure by sharing Kinley's story with KPHO.

The impact was immediate: the bank, stung, apologized and released the funds. Kinley finally received his money. “ I was surprised when I received it, but I was also excited. ”, she shared with a smile. Some of it will go into his college fund, but Kinley isn't ruling out to have fun with the rest.

A rigorous framework for the work of minors in

In France, the legislation strictly regulates the work of minors to preserve their health and their development. From the age of 16, a minor can work subject to written authorization from their parents. Working time is limited to 35 hours per week and 8 hours per day, night work being prohibited, unless exempted. Between 14 and 16 years old, young people can only be employed during school holidaysup to 7 hours per day, with the prior agreement of the labor inspectorate. Before the age of 14, only certain activities such as performing or modeling are permitted, requiring special authorization.

photo credit: Shutterstock French legislation strictly regulates the work of minors to protect their health and development

On the patrimonial level, the income generated by the property of a minor
are managed by parents
who must act with cautionwithout touching the capital, except by judicial agreement. For child artists, part of their earnings is blocked at the Deposit fund until they reach the age of majority, protecting them from any mismanagement and ensuring them
financial autonomy in adulthood. These rules aim to balance access to work for young people while guaranteeing their protection and interests.


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