DayFR Euro

URGENT. Nathaly Antona, elected European deputy on June 9, died

She had chosen to keep her maiden name, Antona, out of respect for her husband, she said, believing that “everyone is free to adopt their positions even if they have no objection to mine”.

It was therefore with this surname that she got involved in the campaign for the European elections, supported by François Filoniterritorial referent of the RN in Corsica, but also by party executives, like Franck Allisiothe deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, who saw in her an activist “dynamic, convinced and completely involved”.

Behind a discreet and modest personality, the 49-year-old elected official, originally from Ajaccio, married, without children, had invested herself with the hard work that her political friends, her friends in short, knew she had.

Twenty-fourth on the list of Jorder Bardella, right arm of the territorial referent of the RN in Corsica, François Filoni, she had been, on the evening of June 9, the only one on the island to access the Parliament, in Strasbourg. The first woman also a parliamentarian on the island to win a seat.

Arriving late in politics, Nathaly Antona simultaneously supported a number of causes – animal, environmental, in particular – having started volunteering at the age of ten. Her parents saw it as a school of life for the kid who already wanted to get involved.

New dynamic

It was to her that François Filoni entrusted the models of the professions of faith and other leaflets then distributed door-to-door and during visits by the teams of the National Rally in Corsica.

Around the Filoni-Antona pair, a new dynamic was established within the federation, the first of which took over the reins three months before the 2021 territorial election. With the results that we know from the 2022 presidential electionwhere the RN had crushed the match in Corsica, Marine Le Pen having arrived very well in the lead, then at the Europeans, most recently with a clear victory for Jordan Bardella.

Nathaly Antona who did not recognize herself in the “overflows” of Jean-Marie Le Penpraised on the other hand, “perseverance and strength” of her daughter, Marine, whom she had met, as well as the pugnacity of her foal, the current president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella.

She had thus adhered to the vision of “Navy, rooted in reality”. And to the tandem formed with Jordan Bardella “who has given everything to politics since the age of 16”.

Squaring the land

Nathaly Antona’s mantra? “Inform the Corsicans about what we have to offer them. And assure them that the projects for the island have been transmitted to the Parisian headquarters with which we have established a close link,” she said calmly.

For four years, she had continued to canvass the terrain alongside François Filoni, using, she confided barely ten days ago, the long time between electoral deadlines to communicate and convince.

It is André RougéMEP since 2019 who occupied 31st position on the Bardella list, who will succeed him once the RN had allowed thirty MEPs to sit in Strasbourg.


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