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LIVE – Legislative elections: Olivier Faure wants “a vote” to choose a Prime Minister in the event of a victory for the left

The legislative election campaign, which officially began on Monday June 17, continues for all political parties, less than two weeks before the first round of voting.


  • Olivier Faure, boss of the PS, “wishes a vote” to appoint the Prime Minister in the event of victory of the New Popular Front at the end of the legislative elections.
  • The Constitutional Council, which was contacted eight times against the decree fixing the legislative elections, must rule in the coming days.
  • It is not said that the pension reform will be repealed” assured Éric Ciotti, on the France 2 news Monday June 17.


11 a.m. | Petition from the world of books

Many players in the book world launched a petition on Monday June 17 calling to “block the National Rally”. “We, actresses and players in the world of books, are driven by values ​​of sharing, transmission, mediation,” wrote the signatories, including Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Franck Thilliez and Charlotte Gallimard.

“We want to be able to continue to offer works in complete freedom, from all backgrounds, conveying a great diversity of thoughts and discourse. We defend nuance in the face of excess, that which unites rather than that which divides, that which opens the future rather than what obscures it.”

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10:50 a.m. | Does the RN really want to win the legislative elections?

“I maintain that the RN absolutely does not want to win the legislative elections”: political scientist Dominique Reynié, who heads Fondapol, assures that “Marine Le Pen is seeking to have more deputies, but not victory.”

“The hypothesis of Marine Le Pen placing Bardella in Matignon after a victory in the legislative elections with the aim of being elected to the Élysée herself in 2027 is a fable. […] The important thing for the RN is to be able to say: ‘We tried to unite and the others sabotaged the campaign’”.

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Our full interview.

10:35 a.m. | “A vote” to choose the Prime Minister?

The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, explained on BFMTV that he hopes that in the event of victory of the New Popular Front in the legislative elections, “it will be all of those who will form this new majority, that they will be able to come together the day after July 7 and that they can together designate the one who will be best placed to respond to a complicated situation.

10:30 a.m. | Golden rule against tax increases

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who is leading the majority campaign, has pledged to put in place “a golden rule against tax increases”. “There will be no tax increase if the French give a majority to the candidates that I present with Ensemble pour la République,” ​​he insisted at franceinfo.

10:20 a.m. | Athletes who “give lessons”

After dozens of French sports personalities called in a column published on Sunday June 16 to vote “against the extreme right”, Jordan Bardella said he was “a little embarrassed to see these athletes who earn a lot of money giving lessons to people who can no longer (…) make ends meet.”

10:15 a.m. | “The plague and cholera”

What choice would François Bayrou, boss of Modem, make between the New Popular Front and the RN? “I can’t choose between the plague and cholera, I will fight them,” he dodged.

“We are faced with an unexpected situation, deeply revealing of the ulterior motives of everyone, and a dangerous situation,” said the mayor of Pau, considering that “those who will pay are the smallest”.

10 a.m. | Bardella wants an absolute majority

Guest of Europe 1 and CNews this Tuesday morning, Jordan Bardella, confirmed that he only wanted to become Prime Minister in the event of an absolute majority in the National Assembly, otherwise “we could not change things”, – he explained, affirming that he did not “consider being the collaborator of the President of the Republic”. “I want to exercise power, but I don’t want power for power’s sake,” added the MEP.

The president of the RN returned to the programmatic setbacks that he envisaged in an interview with Parisian, justifying that “there are emergencies and reforms”. “We are going to discover a lot of corpses in the closet!”, he assured, considering it necessary to carry out an “audit” of the public accounts.

“I will inherit a financial situation of near bankruptcy. Consequently, my duty will be to restore order to the streets of the country, but also to restore order to the state’s accounts. ”

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9:30 a.m. | Hello everyone

Welcome to this live commentary of this second election campaign for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

premium For political scientist Dominique Reynié, “the National Rally absolutely does not want to win the legislative elections”


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