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Bolloré’s media army following in the footsteps of Roger Ailes

In the shadow of this staging, Roger Ailes. This former Nixon advisor is now the big boss of Fox News. He will not only put all the resources of his channel at the disposal of Donald Trump but he will also orchestrate his entire media strategy… And he will do it with the consent of his big boss, Rupert Murdoch, the multi-billionaire dreams of see the conservatives win after 8 years of the Obama presidency.

If I’m talking to you about this, it’s because nine years after Trump’s incredible campaign, the similarities with what’s happening in France are disturbing. In the title roles of the French version… Vincent Bolloré, Pascal Praud, Cyril Hanouna, Jordan Bardella and Eric Ciotti. It was the surprise dissolution of Sunday which launched the major maneuvers… Raphaëlle Bacqué recounted it in The world : on Monday, Eric Ciotti rushed to Vincent Bolloré, it was to him that he gave the scoop on his alliance with the RN.

Logical since they are “both concerned about the preservation of French identity”… it is Eric Ciotti himself who says it. A betrayal of his camp but above all the advent of the union of the rights. Eric Zemmour had failed to make it a reality in 2022. This time, all the media in the Bolloré galaxy are mobilized not to miss this historic opportunity.

And where Roger Ailes only had one news channel, Vincent Bolloré has CNews, JDD, Europe 1 and C8… and with C8, he has a weapon that is all the more formidable because it is hidden under the trappings of entertainment

We also got a glimpse of it, Thursday, live: Sarah Knafo is on the set of Touche pas à mon poste. Sarah Knafo is an executive of the Reconquest party! She has just been elected MEP and this is what she said to Cyril Hanouna: “I hope that we will have time to talk about the union of the rights because it is much more important than internal issues. It is you who unites the rights. There is Chenu, Ciotti, For me, it’s perfect.”

“It’s you who unites the rights, it’s perfect”

And it’s not over since Cyril Hanouna takes out his cell phone and calls… Jordan Bardella! Bad luck, he doesn’t respond. Sarah Knafo leaves him a long message; right next to her, a columnist finds it very funny. It’s Bernard Montiel. The former host of Video gag who recently revealed that he was close to the Macron couple, and I quote, that he “tells everything to Brigitte”.

Cyril Hanouna who organizes the union of the rights. Cyril Hanouna who attacks the New Popular Front candidates on X. Gone are the days when the host said that with him, everyone has the floor… without judgment.

And from today, we’re going to hear it… even more! Hanouna has just inherited a new slot, this time, on Europe 1. At 4 p.m., outside Sophie Davant, the darka troops arrive for two weeks… It’s called “We walk on our heads”. I couldn’t have said it better!


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