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Disappearance of Lina: stolen motorbikes, harassment, destroyed cell phone… these disturbing episodes before the teenager disappears

Nearly nine months after her disappearance on the way to the station, Lina remains nowhere to be found. Her relatives, notably her mother, remain convinced that she was kidnapped after getting into a car. And above all that several events would be linked to his disappearance.

Nine months after her disappearance, young Lina remains nowhere to be found. The teenager would have disappeared on the road while she was going to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station to take the train to join her boyfriend in Strasbourg.

For those close to Lina, her disappearance would be linked to her rape which she claims to have suffered in May 2022. After this, the teenager was the victim of a wave of online harassment. She received a flood of degrading insults from several anonymous accounts.

“Everything is connected”

Initially wanting to handle the situation alone, the young girl then confided in her mother. Both then went to file a complaint in June 2022, but nothing happened. Lina continues to receive horrors which have gradually transformed into threats: “She received not very nice messages from people who threatened to come and hurt her face. She was afraid”testifies Sandra to Figaro.

In addition, Lina was successively stolen two motorcycles that her mother had bought for her. The first flight took place in December 2022 and the second in August 2023: “For me, someone was angry with him, but not to the point of taking him away.”, explains Sandra. Could these thefts have been calculated so that the young girl would travel on foot and therefore be vulnerable?

According to those close to him, there is no doubt: “I think there is a direct or indirect link between the rape, the theft of a first motorcycle, the theft of a second motorcycle and the kidnapping”, estimated Fanny Groll, her mother, on May 18 in the show Call for Witnesses on M6. Likewise for her friend Sandra for whom “everything is connected”.

“As if it had been turned off or broken”

If the two individuals were exonerated in the investigation into Lina’s disappearance, the profile of one of them is of particular concern. The young man, aged around twenty, had already been sentenced to eighteen months in prison, twelve of which were suspended for violence against two of his girlfriends, reveals the New Detective.

According to DNA, an investigation into a double rape of young girls aged 15 and 16 also targets the latter. Le Figaro underlines a detail which is important: in this case, the young man had destroyed the cell phone of one of the teenage girls so that she would not raise the alarm.

However, Lina’s phone suddenly stopped transmitting at 11:22 a.m. on September 23: “As if it had been turned off or broken”underline our colleagues.

Furthermore, according to the dogs’ expertise, Lina’s scent suddenly disappears on the road, as if she had gotten into a car.

Who attacked Lina?

Missing for nine months, the teenager remains untraceable. A few months before disappearing, she had filed a rape complaint against two young men. The facts allegedly took place when she was 13 years old, on May 4, 2022.

That day, Lina, 13, went to La Broque with a friend to join two boys aged 19 and 20, described as “acquaintances” with whom they spent the afternoon. Eventually, the quartet ends up at the home of one of the young men to drink alcohol. Her friend having to return, Lina then finds herself alone with the two boys.

It was at this time that the teenager claims to have been raped. The two young men talk about “consensual relationship”. However, Lina would have confided to one of her close friends, Sandra, that she had been drugged: “She told me about it. She might have had something in her drink. She remembers everything but couldn’t move”testifies Sandra to Figaro.


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