DayFR Euro

“Brittany could reduce its greenhouse gas emissions linked to its energy consumption by 80%”

Is this study a first and in what perspective did EDF carry it out?

Yes, it’s a first in Brittany, which is the 10the region to be screened. It is an energy prospective study exploring decarbonization scenarios for different sectors of activity in the region. The objective is to enlighten all political and economic actors on the paths which appear to us to be the most promising for successfully decarbonizing energy consumption. We have carried out sectoral analyzes and, through a quantitative diagnosis of current emissions and the levers to reduce them, we want to shed light on potential gains. In two words: show the range of possibilities.

Which sectors are affected?

The diagnostics of the EDF study are broken down into five sectors, namely buildings, mobility and transport, agri-food industries, agriculture, and finally energy production and networks. Each time, we note the current GHG emissions (greenhouse gases, editor’s note), the forecasts for developments if nothing is done, and the potential improvements if we activate certain levers.

What elements did you rely on?

First, we relied on available and verifiable public data. They can come from the Brittany Region, for example for demographic projections, sectors of economic activity, or from Ceren (Environmental footprint reduction services) for its statistical observatory of energy demand. Then, we pay attention to the specificities of the territory and its economic trajectories, its growth prospects, demographics, etc. We analyze the evolution of the carbon footprint and identify levers to provide projections. Finally, we confront them with local economic players in each sector, in a workshop of around twenty managers, in order to refine our simulations of future emissions. depending on the reality on the ground.

By how much can Brittany reduce its emissions linked to energy consumption?

Currently, the region is at 17.1 million tonnes equivalent (Mteq) of CO2 emitted, including 9.7 million tonnes (Mt) by transport and 3.7 Mt by buildings. Without decarbonization measures, in 2050 we will be at more than 19 Mt. However, by acting at many levels, we can avoid 14 million tonnes to reach around 3 Mteq CO2 emitted. That’s a reduction of 80% compared to the current level. France wants to achieve the objective of net zero emissions in 2050, as set out in the “National Low Carbon Strategy”. We provide the keys to getting there and dividing energy greenhouse gas emissions by 5.6 by this deadline.

Concretely, how can businesses and communities act?

We have defined three types of levers, adapted for each sector of activity: reduce the quantity of energy consumed, change the type of energy, reorganize the activity. In transport, emissions could be divided by 7, by implementing an ambitious but realistic land-use planning policy aimed at reducing travel, by increasing the occupancy rate of vehicles or by promoting modal shift. In buildings, we could divide emissions by 3 by eliminating “thermal strainers”, improving insulation and eliminating fuel oil to replace it with renewable thermal energies (wood, heat pumps, etc.). In the food industry, to halve emissions, we could for example opt for heat pumps and recover waste heat. Given that 42% of the agri-food industry in Brittany uses natural gas, the electrification of carbon-based processes is essential.


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