DayFR Euro

“Three times more road accidents” on Red Devils match days: what do these statistics reveal?

The Vias Institute shows that road accidents are more numerous on the evenings of Euro matches, after the Red Devils matches.

The Institute for Road Safety has just analyzed the accident statistics after a Red Devils match and the results are not really reassuring.

“We have three times more road accidents than on a normal day. And this effect of excess accidents lasts up to five hours after the matches. And that is due to the fact that there is a lot of people on the roads”explains Benoit Godart, spokesperson for Vias.

But that’s not all. Vias also denounces inappropriate behavior on the roads after the match. The Belgian is also very creative when it comes to celebrating a victory.

“There are certain people who behave inappropriately. For example, putting their heads out of the sunroof or sitting on the edge of the front window. And so in the event of braking, obviously, it’s an accident”adds Benoit Godart.

On this Belgium-Slovakia day, it is still better to remember: in a car, the fine for not wearing a seat belt is 126 euros.

accident via road safety


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