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Fincantieri: “A great void due to the death of President Claudio Graziano”

In a note, Fincantieri expresses immense sadness for the sudden death of the general Claudio Graziano, Chairman of the Group, which leaves a huge void that is impossible to fill. The CEO and Managing Director Pierroberto Folgiero, the Board of Directors, the Board of Auditors, the managers and all the employees of Fincantieri remember with emotion the extraordinary human and professional qualities which have always distinguished him during his long career.

The general, born in Turin in 1953, was Chief of Defense Staff and President of the Military Committee of the European Union. He was 71 years old and had led Fincantieri since 2022.

Today died “not only a great leader, who dedicated his whole life to Italy, but also a great manager and a great friend”, said the CEO and general director of Fincantieri, Roberto Folgiero Pier. “In addition to the institutional figure, I will greatly miss the private person, his rigorous vision of the country and of life, of the importance of courage and friendship as true values ​​​​necessary to win all battles. Like that of his great love, his wife Marisa, whom he defended for years against illness and whom he lost only a year ago,” he adds.

“I am shocked by the news of the tragic death of General Claudio Graziano. He leaves us an honest servant of the State who, throughout his life, brought honor to the nation, the armed forces and the institutions with dedication, competence and professionalism. I would like to express, on my own behalf and that of the entire government, my condolences and my closeness to his family and loved ones.” This is what the Prime Minister declared, Giorgia Meloni.

“The death of General Claudio Graziano leaves me speechless. He was a friend and an extraordinary officer who brought honor to Italy even in his European duties. May a prayer accompany him on his journey to join his wife.” The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs wrote Antonio Tajani on X.

“With General Claudio Graziano, we have experienced exciting and at the same time stimulating common paths to improve our Defense. His death leaves me with a deep feeling of sadness and represents a serious loss for Defense and for all of Italy. Today we leave an officer, but above all a man, who contributed to the modernization of our nation also through the numerous leadership positions he held, among which that of chief of staff of Defense and the Army and that of President of the Military Committee of the European Union, which testify to his depth, his unconditional attachment to the service and his absolute loyalty to the institutions. On my personal behalf and that of the entire Ministry of Defense, I would like to express, in this very sad circumstance, my sincere condolences to all your loved ones,” is the message from the Minister of Defense. Guido Crosetto, according to a press release. “I also send my deepest condolences to the Fincantieri family, who today lost an extremely important personality. Hi Claudio,” Crosetto added. General Graziano, born in 1953, began his career by entering the Military Academy of Modena in 1972. Appointed Alpini officer in 1974, he was commander of numerous missions abroad and, in particular, force commander and United Nations representative in Lebanon since 2007 to 2009. He then held the positions of chief of staff of the army from 2011, chief of staff of the armed forces from 2014 and president of the Military Committee of the European Union from 2018 to 2022. In May of the same year, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fincantieri SpA and since September, President of Assonave (National Association of the Construction Industry naval).

“I express my deep sadness following the news of the sudden death of General Claudio Graziano,” declared the President of the Republic. Sergio Mattarella. “I remember him as a generous and loyal man of institutions, capable of always putting his competence and professionalism at the service of the Republic, qualities demonstrated in the high important national and international positions that he occupied during of his long career,” he concluded.

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