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Liège Assizes: Fabrice Luaza’s defense will contest homicidal intent

The Liège Assize Court on Monday began the trial of Fabrice Luaza Mvuama, accused of having committed the murder of Bradley Wawa Bologna, his partner’s 5-year-old child. His lawyers announce that they will contest homicidal intent. Benamine Bologna also appears before the Assize Court to answer charges of failure to assist her child. His defense will demand his acquittal.

The events took place on August 2, 2020 in Liège. Fabrice Luaza Mvuama, a 35-year-old Congolese, is suspected of having killed Bradley Wawa Bologna (5 years old) by punching him in the stomach. He is also accused of assault and battery on his partner, Benamine Bologna, a 28-year-old Italian woman. The latter is accused of having failed to come to the aid of her son who was exposed to serious danger.

Accidental fall

The CHU des Bruyères hospital had denounced the suspicious death of Bradley Wawa Bologna, who had been dropped off in the hospital emergency room by Fabrice Luaza Mvuama, his mother’s companion, on August 2, 2020. The child did not present any rhythm heart and resuscitation had failed.

An initial diagnosis revealed that he had died of significant liver damage, following a liver fracture. Fabrice Luaza Mvuama had maintained that this injury was the result of a fall while cycling. But the investigation rebounded after statements from a relative of the child’s mother, who denounced acts of violence.

Fabrice Luaza Mvuama was then suspected of having become angry with the child, of having lost control and of having violently punched him in the stomach. He then mentioned the thesis of a fall while cycling, before going back on his statements and claiming an accidental fall on a chair.

The victim’s autopsy revealed that the child had received several blows to the abdominal area. These significant injuries are compatible with a fall from a bicycle or with powerful blows delivered intentionally.

Mom chased

When reading the indictment, Attorney General Xavier-Montiel Corte recalled that this accused presents a risk of recidivism, a cannabis dependence and a criminal record, with several convictions.

“There is nothing worse than talking about the death of a child”, indicated Me Solfrini during the presentation of Fabrice Luaza Mvuama’s line of defense. The lawyer stressed that her client must be convicted, but he denies the intention to kill. “One or more blows caused death, but Fabrice Luaza Mvuama did not intend to kill”insisted the defense.

Benamine Bologna is suspected of not having helped her child even though she knew he was being beaten and shouted at her. She would not have intervened for fear of the violence of Fabrice Luaza Mvuama, who would have already hit her several times between August 2019 and August 2020. The experts stressed that she does not present a mental disorder, but that she is a subject intellectually more fragile than the average population.

Benamine Bologna’s defense announces that it will plead for his acquittal. “She is a victim, because her boy was killed by the accused. She should only be on the bench of the civil parties and not on that of the accused“, indicated Mr. Berbuto.


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