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“It’s impossible for me to accept that the man I’m with is openly far-right” – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024case

They loved each other, but the political or values ​​differences were greater. In the first episode of our series, Anna (1), 36 years old, lawyer in Paris, who could not stand that her companion became a conspiracy theorist and voted for Marine Le Pen.

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In name of people, Sara Forestier sleeps with right-wing guys to make them change sides (politics). Divergence of point of view then rhymes with excitement. In reality, homogamy dominates among couples. When this is not the case, after the first outbursts, it can quickly become volcanic. Can we really love each other when we don’t vote on the same side, especially in this period of legislative elections and profound upheavals? Release collected the testimonies of those for whom the disagreement led to a breakup.

“In 2008, I met Guillaume (1) at law school. I immediately identify him as someone on the left. He tells me about a story that had a big impact on him. In 2007, on the evening of Nicolas Sarkozy’s victory, he joined the crowd of disappointed people to express his discontent. After destroying the windows, he recovers, with his best friend, a mannequin arm. The BAC arrives, mistakes them for thugs and hits his friend. The latter is found p


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