DayFR Euro

For Copé it’s the same choice as in the 1930s… and he is right with a few nuances!

History does not repeat itself… it stutters, they say. Never mind.

The similarities at the end of cycles are often present and predictable.

I told you in a previous article that ultimately, this campaign will end with a very strong simplification of the debate.

On one side capitalism and on the other communism.

On one side more immigration, on the other less.

It is on these two questions that people will vote.

So yes, in a certain way and with some significant nuances it is a bit like the match between the brown plague and the red plague which seems to be replaying itself.

However, the consequences will not be at all the same, and if in the 1930s this led to a war between nations, no one imagines that Marine Le Pen would annex Wallonia.

In the present case, the conflicts are obviously likely to be internal and this has already started.

The economic consequences in the coming weeks will be very significant.

Charles SANNAT

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To all subscribers to the STRATEGIES Letterthe file for the month of May is available in your reader areas here. It is dedicated to the stock market and stock investments. It is very important, even more so in the current context resulting from yesterday’s European elections where Macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly.

Our country (whether we are for or against is not the subject) risks entering a period of political turbulence.

Potential instability which can have repercussions on your assets, your currency and your liquidity.

Foreign and particularly American actions are a way of desensitizing yourself to the Eurozone, the Euro and the European Union. I explain everything to you in this file and I demonstrate to you the effectiveness of a very specific index strategy which will allow you to maximize what we call the return/risk couple. All the information to subscribe here.


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