DayFR Euro

”others were humiliated and written off yesterday…”

Present in Labé, to celebrate the Tabaski festival with his family, the former single-member deputy for the holy city of Karamoko Alpha, took the opportunity to talk about the socio-political situation. Met at the place of prayer in Bowloko, in the Dow-saré district, the honorable Cellou Baldé expressed several wishes concerning the transition and the media. Speaking about the leader of the UFDG cited in the Air Guinée case, the native of Doguol, told us that it is just political-judicial harassment.

“First of all, we wish Happy Tabaski Day to all the faithful Muslims of the world, particularly those of Labé, but also wish that peace, stability and social tranquility reign in our country. As a political actor, we also hope that the transition process underway in our country can follow its normal course and that the transition ends in the right conditions. And finally my most ardent wish is that the media are liberated and that the journalists that you are can take possession of their position through your salaries to be able to feed your families. You know that among all my wishes, the return of Elhadj Cellou Dalein is the most ardent wish. As President Cellou Dalein Diallo himself said, I am convinced that in the coming months he will be among us in Guinea. Because as you know, everything that has been said in relation to his Air Guinée file is an empty file of meaning, a file of emptiness which does not speak its name, it is politico-judicial harassment, and I think that all this will end in the coming months, because as we said the transition must end on December 31, 2024, in accordance with the agreement signed by the CNRD with ECOWAS on behalf of the people of Guinea » says honorable Cellou Baldé. Before adding: “Cellou Dalein did not commit a crime, to suffer another fate. I recalled that the Air Guinea file that we are talking about, today it was proven before national and international opinion, by all those who knew about this file, most recently, we had Professor Salifou Sylla, former Minister of Justice who has spoken for a long time on this issue. Cellou Dalein Diallo for me does not have to be afraid in relation to this file, because this file is of an emptiness which does not speak its name. So he will return, be with his activists, he will participate in the process of returning to constitutional order. He will return very soon as he announced”

Speaking of the dismissal of the son of the president of the UFDG, accused of desertion from the ranks of the Guinean army by the president of the transition, our interlocutor suggested this: “Our country did not need everything that is happening. We must learn lessons. It is as if the current authorities are blind, it is as if the trial of the events of September 28, 2009 is not taking place in our country. It is as if it is not the current authorities who, as part of the fight against impunity as they have announced, are going to organize this trial on September 28. Today we are asking the question what are the real motivations, what are the intentions of the CNRD in power. Our country didn’t need all that. We have known colonels who were humiliated and dismissed yesterday who were reinstated by other forces that arrived. When you take the case of General Amara Camara, today, minister secretary general at the presidency, he suffered injustice at one point, but today he is here. General Idi Amin, the Minister of National Defense, was also sent to Cuba at one point, he returned after the takeover of power. So I believe that we must learn the lessons, the CNRD must learn the lessons. I will tell the General that it is not late to further rectify the transition”

Asked whether the removal of his mentor’s son is an injustice, the former single-member deputy for Labé asserts: “Today I cannot say straight away that it is an injustice because I do not “I don’t fully master the issue, but I would say that our country needs national reconciliation, our country does not need to rub salt in the wound even today because the wound is still gaping.”

Tidiane Diallo


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