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do you earn more or less than the average?

The CNAV, National Old Age Insurance Fund, has published detailed information on the situation of retirees in France. In fact, the pension fund has determined the average amount of the pension and the effective average retirement age.

In France, the question of retirement pension is a subject of major importance for the 15.2 million people who benefit from it. The average pension, which represents the amount received by the majority of retirees, is a key indicator for assessing the standard of living of seniors. Therefore, if a retiree wants to know whether they receive more or less than the average, they will have to compare their net pension with the national average.

Retirement: Retirees who receive more or less than the national average

A later average retirement age

Before the entry into force of the pension reform, the legal retirement age was set at 62 years. Also in 2023, the average retirement age was 63.4 years compared to 63.1 in 2022. This difference is explained by the need to obtain a certain number of quarters to receive a full pension. However, we observe that this objective is even more difficult to achieve for women due to interruptions in career. With the pension reform which raises the legal minimum age to 64 for people born in 1968, this average age will increase in the years to come.

A significant gap observed between men and women

Still in the context of retirement, we also observe a gap between men and women in the amount of retirement pensions. According to the most recent data, the average pension excluding supplementary pensione would amount to 838 euros since 2023, or an average of 925 euros for men and 764 euros for women. If we look back at the 6.5 million retirees who have drawn up their full pension, the pension average is 1,215 euros, or 1,295 euros for men and 1,1128 euros for women.

Pension gaps observed at the level of complete careers

Note that if we only refer to the data of retirees in 2023, i.e. 697,000 people of whom 110,000 have a long career, the average pension will be slightly lower than that of the average retiree. It will then be 813 euros, or 14 euros for men compared to 718 euros for women. However, with regard to the complete careersthe average amount for those who liquidated their retirement rights in 2023 amounts to 1,234 euros, or 1,359 euros for men and 1,114 euros for women, underlines Notre temps.

A comparison with the national average

To know if a retiree receives a pension more or less than the national average, it is essential for the latter to compare their personal pension with these numbers. For this purpose, if a pension is greater than 1,234 euros, the retiree is above the average national. Conversely, if the pension is less than 1,234 euros, the retiree is below the national average. However, it is important to note that this amount may vary depending on different factors such as the sector in which the employee worked (public or private sector), salary, etc. Looking at the figures, we see a notorious disparity between men’s and women’s retirement pensions.

Glaring disparities between men and women

An average pension lower than the national average for women

The average pension for women with a full career, being 1,114 euros per month, is significantly lower than the national average in 2023. This difference is partly explained by wage gaps during working life and career interruptions often linked to maternity. Furthermore, these disparities between men and women are all the more obvious at the level of minimum contribution For example.

A gap in the Minimum Contribution

Among these 15.2 million retirees general scheme4.7 million, or 32% of insured persons benefit from the minimum contribution and here too, the differences between men and women are significant. 1.3 million men receive the minimum contribution compared to 3.4 million women, which corresponds respectively to 19.1% and 43.3% for each gender.


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