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LIVE – Legislative elections: Kylian Mbappé is “in his role” by calling for a vote, according to Gabriel Attal

The campaign for the first round of early legislative elections officially begins this Monday, June 17.

The parties revealed their candidates in the 577 constituencies, while the filing of declarations ended on Sunday at 6 p.m.

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2024 legislative elections



On TF1, Clémentine Autain called to vote “massively” for the New Popular Front in the National Assembly during the first round of the legislative elections, on June 30. Asked about her choice of vote in the 2nd round, if the NFP is eliminated, the outgoing MP did not answer clearly. “In the 2nd round, we will need, to be in the majority, since it is them or us, that there be a minimum of far-right deputies in the National Assembly,” indicated Clémentine Autain.

“The extreme right, never in this country,” insisted the “rebellious” candidate. “My determination is total, but I want to give hope this morning. There is no inevitability,” she said. Asked about the various NFP candidates, including François Hollande or Aurélien Rousseau, Clémentine Autain assured: “I wish the victory of the NFP, all the candidates, absolutely all the candidates, who take their responsibility before history, we must vote for them and for them.”



According to Clémentine Autain, the presidential majority “can no longer win”, citing the results of the European elections, as “the anger against Emmanuel Macron in the country”. For the outgoing MP, “it’s them or it’s us”, pitting the New Popular Front against the National Rally.

Questioned about the unique program of this left-wing union, Clémentine Autain defended social measures. “Our program says that for the middle classes, there are fewer taxes but on the other hand, those who will contribute are the large economic groups and the super-rich,” said the politician, who also castigated “the lies of the extreme right” regarding a real social policy. “Where have you seen social work?” asked the MP.



Invited on TF1, outgoing MP Clémentine Autain said she hoped for the victory of the four candidates ousted from “rebellious” constituencies but who decided to run despite everything. “These are outgoing deputies, who indeed dared to criticize the direction of France Insoumise, its orientation, and I regret that over the past 48 hours, we have spent so much time discussing this,” she said. recognized.

“We are faced with a societal choice. In 15 days, the challenge is to know whether our country can fall into what it has not experienced since 1940: an extreme right-wing government,” added Clémentine Autain. “Now, it’s either hatred, withdrawal, chaos, with a social promise that will never be kept and us, our project, which means that from July, we will be able to improve the daily lives of the French.”



Olivier Faure, in an interview with Le Monde, returned to the non-investiture of five candidates by France Insoumise, judging that the situation “is detrimental” to the New Popular Front “by creating doubt about the idea of ​​the NFP being able to camouflage settling scores within a political formation”.

“We are not depriving ourselves of talents because they are not exactly in line,” he added, believing that “faced with the danger of the extreme right, no progressive should be choosy” . Referring to the candidacy of François Hollande, the boss of the PS explained that this meant “something simple: the entire left will always find itself in the fight against the extreme right”.

Olivier Faure also responded to criticism from Emmanuel Macron, who judged that the NFP was an “unnatural” team while the economic program of this new alliance was also judged harshly. “I note that for seven years, the power in place has spent more time hitting the radical left, which won 9.9% in the European elections, than fighting the extreme right, at 40%,” said -he recalled, emphasizing: “The threat is the extreme right.”

Olivier Faure at the National Assembly, September 2022 – THOMAS SAMSON / AFP


On this first day of the campaign, find the former Minister of Transport, candidate for the legislative elections, Clément Beaune at 7:20 a.m. on LCI. The outgoing MP for France Insoumise, Clémentine Autain, will be at 7:40 a.m. on TF1.

Finally, at 8:20 a.m., find on LCI a debate between Manon Aubry, LFI MEP facing Julien Odoul, outgoing deputy and spokesperson for the National Rally.



After a week of twists and turns and confusion to urgently establish alliances and nominate candidates, the lightning campaign for the first round of the legislative elections on June 30 officially begins this Monday under high tension.

Since 6 p.m. Sunday, all candidates for one of the 577 deputy seats have been registered at the prefecture. Now time for field meetings, sending electoral propaganda and television spots.

The die is cast. At the end of a crazy week of negotiations, alliances and dissidences which shook up the political landscape, the race against time to submit their candidacy ended on Sunday at 6 p.m. for candidates for the 2024 legislative elections in the 577 constituencies . The official campaign starts this Monday, June 17 and will end on the evening of Friday, June 28.

A week after the earthquake of dissolution, everything is now sealed after several days of great confusion, notably marked by the rallying of the leader of the Republicans Eric Ciotti to the National Rally. If the highly contested boss was not followed by the executives of his party – with the exception of a deputy and the president of the Young Republicans movement – he indicated that he had 62 candidates “of the gathering of the rights” supported by the RN.

The anti-Ciotti LR branch, which is trying to maintain its voice, has for its part invested “nearly 400 candidates”including Virgile Vanier in the Alpes-Maritimes against Eric Ciotti.

On the left, the New Popular Front managed to agree in a few days on a program and candidates, despite disagreements over certain candidates chosen by La France insoumise and the refusal to invest several historical figures critical of the party line. Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

The day after the surprise candidacy of former President François Hollande in Corrèze under the banner of the New Popular Front, former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin (1997 to 2002) also defended the new union, alone “dyke”according to him, capable of containing the far-right party.

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    “Against the extremes”, Kylian Mbappé “calls on young people to vote” in the legislative elections

Stunned by the dissolution and left behind in the polls, the majority is threatened with coming in third position in a number of constituencies behind the RN and the left. To avoid this, she decided not to present a candidate in around twenty constituencies held by elected officials from the right, the left or the independent Liot group, considered constructive.

The editorial staff of TF1info


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