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how CNN prepares for the first Trump/Biden debate

It’s the New York Times which informs us of the technical details of the first Trump/Biden televised debate which will be held in ten days, on the CNN channel. The question is not simple: how to ensure that exchanges do not fizzle out and turn into a free-for-all? Four years ago, Trump, like the TV beast that he is, had parasitized the debate to such an extent that Biden had sent him a “but you’re going to shut up, man!” » remained in the annals.

Today, the rules are clear: one candidate will speak for two minutes on a subject, the second can refute for one minute, the first can then refute the rebuttal. Flashing lights will let them know when they are reaching the end of their speaking time. After the light, the sound: the candidates’ microphones will be cut when it is not their turn to express themselves – therefore no more risk of general hubbub and rants. Finally, two veterans of American political journalism will moderate the debate, including Jake Tapper, already renamed “Fake Tapper” by Donald Trump.

Biden and his troops are training thoroughly and thoroughly. It seems that Trump is revising by reviewing images of his rallies. One thing is certain: each side expects a debate with blows below the belt. We will see the result of this meeting with the microphones occasionally cut, a technical precaution which is in itself a metaphor for contemporary politics.


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