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The recognized state of natural disaster

Nogent-le-Roi. Decision to recognize the state of natural disaster. On May 25, the municipality of Nogent-le-Roi requested recognition of the state of natural disaster for the phenomenon “flooding by runoff and associated mudslide” which occurred on Saturday May 18, 2024.

Call to residents

That day, a violent storm broke out at the end of the afternoon in the sky over the town, causing significant flooding in the cellars of individual houses and mudslides on the road.

The municipality quickly reacted by initiating a process of recognition by the State of the natural calamity.

A file accepted since the prefect informed the municipality, by letter of June 14, 2024, in these terms: “Your municipality has been recognized as being in a state of natural disaster by decree no. IOME2415152A published in the Official Journal of June 14, 2024” .

Prefect Hervé Jonathan therefore invites the municipality to inform the citizens concerned of this official decision.

The prefecture also specifies that residents have an additional period of 30 days from the date of publication in the Official Journal to submit (if they have not already done so upon the occurrence of the disaster) an estimated statement of their losses with their insurance company.

Practical. For all information, contact the town hall of Nogent-le-Roi:


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