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2024 Olympics: rising prices, extended delivery times… Even dealers are preparing

No rest for the warriors or the dealers. As the Paris 2024 Olympic Games approach, which will begin next July 26, both drug traffickers and their dealers prefer to warn: inflation is going to happen. In question : an influx of tourists who could be potential consumers and delivery difficulties, with traffic restrictions in the Olympic zones, according to BFMTV.

Since the pandemic, France has seen the birth of a new home delivery system: “Uber shit”. As its name suggests, this delivery method concerns exclusively illicit substances. Consumers only have to do one thing: place their order via Telegram or Snapchat, so that hidden dealers can make the sale. And recently, they alert their customers in advance of future price increases. For example, the gram of cocaineinitially sold between 50 and 60 euros, will increase to 70 euros in the next weeks.

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“It’s a classic commercial strategy, traffickers transpose the classic pattern of sales to their criminal activity,” testifies Eric Henry, national delegate of the Alliance Police union, to our colleagues. For the police, the new strategy of the dealers has not nothing surprising : “Generally speaking, delinquency constantly adapts”says Thierry Clair, general secretary of the Unsa-police union.

“The dealers will obviously target the Olympic sites, there is a way for them to make a lot of money and the increase in prices corresponds to risk capital”, finishes Eric Henry. However, traffickers and resellers will have to be smart and strategic to avoid being detected. During the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games, these are 45,000 law enforcement officers who will be deployed and 35,000 police officers on competition days, around the sites.


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