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Day of cohesion for Var Red Cross volunteers

If this isn’t a reboot, it looks an awful lot like one. The Var Red Cross seems to be acting recently to relaunch its activity and its presence on the ground.

It is not Philippe Arcamon, president of the humanitarian aid association for Paca and Corsica, who will say the opposite: “Things are happening. Here, in the Var, from the will of a team which wants to initiate a new dynamic, a page is turning.”

Without necessarily throwing away everything that had been done before, the Var branch of the Red Cross decided, on the occasion of the seminar organized at Luc on Saturday, to lay the foundations of “future of the Red Cross”. Just that.

Share, exchange, question

“Let’s co-create the future of the Red Cross together!”: this is the title of this gathering of volunteers desired by Var officials.

Coming from the ten branches present in the Var region, the women and men who bring the association’s activity to life were able to exchange, discuss and even innovate.

Around three themes which are the environment, white area coverage and reception conditions for the most precarious, this “made” therefore aimed to develop ways of improving the actions of the Red Cross.

“We meet to share, but also to cross-reference ideas, good practices, explains Marc Reynaud, one of the organizers of this day of cohesion. Around the proposed themes, we structure ourselves, we question ourselves, we establish a road map.”

Same story with this other Var official, Hubert Penicaud: “We want to highlight the magic of our associative movement, our diversity, our strengths to meet our missions.”

Around 80 participants

In the room of the Jean-Louis-Dieux cultural space, at Luc, around 80 people participated in workshops and discussed their experiences.

How to better manage food distribution, how to better promote vestiboutiques (repurchase and sale of second-hand clothing)…

“Volunteers exchange live, learn from the experiences of other branches”smiles Domitille de Nortbecourt, Var manager of the Red Cross.

With avenues for developing new activities: combating the digital divide, homework help, French language learning workshops.

“We are working on the idea of ​​“moving towards”. How to act to get closer to the beneficiaries. An evolution of our action brought about by the Covid crisis.”

To meet these ambitions, the Red Cross never lacks volunteers. Why not you?


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