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Gordon Ramsey, victim of a bicycle accident, uses Father’s Day to remind people of the importance of helmets

On Instagram, the famous British chef had an important message to deliver after being saved by his helmet during a bicycle accident.

On Instagram, the famous British chef had an important message to deliver after being saved by his helmet during a bicycle accident.

PEOPLE – The importance of a bicycle helmet. The kitchen terror that is British chef Gordon Ramsey was revealed in a new light on the occasion of Father’s Day, this Sunday, June 16. With a message of prevention to convey, drawn from personal experience.

It was therefore not with a pasta necklace recipe that Gordon Ramsey spoke on his social networks. The star presenter of the Anglo-Saxon equivalent of Kitchen nightmare explained that he “ an important message » on the occasion of Father’s Day: « WEAR A HELMET “. A cry from the heart after having “ A serious accident » cycling earlier in the week. This forced him to be briefly hospitalized at the New London hospital in the US state of Connecticut.

“You know how much I love cycling. This week I had a serious accident. That really shocked me “he explains to the camera, before being reassuring about his state of health and explaining that he avoided the worst. “Honestly I’m happy to be here. I’m lucky to be standing in front of you. I’m hurting, it’s been a tough week, but I’m going to get through this. »

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To walk the talk, Gordon Ramsey then lifted his chef’s jacket to reveal a huge “purple potato”an impressive bruise that covers a good part of his left side, as you can see below.

TikTok screenshot The serious physical after-effects of Gordon Ramsey after being the victim of a cycling accident earlier this week.

TikTok screenshot

The serious physical after-effects of Gordon Ramsey after being the victim of a cycling accident earlier this week.

“I don’t care about the price of helmets”

Although imposing, Gordon Ramsey’s injury saved him from a broken bone or more serious injury, although he confirms being ” well damaged “. He also shared before-and-after photos in this Instagram post to clearly show the damage to his helmet after this ordinary bike ride.

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Obviously very affected by this road accident, the chef and television man wanted to take advantage of this special day to speak to as many people as possible and thus emphasize the importance of wearing a helmet when cycling.

And don’t start making excuses, Gordon Ramsey doesn’t want to hear them. You must wear a helmet. I don’t care how short the ride is, or how expensive the helmets are. They are crucial “, he insisted heavily, before adding a layer if children enter into the equation. “ They must wear a helmet. »

Also see on The HuffPost:

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