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After the collapse of a building, traders want to “revive rue Saint-Rome, an essential artery of Toulouse”

the essential
Following the collapse of a building on rue Saint-Rome, a new association of Cœur de Ville merchants has just been created.

For several months, several streets in the city center (Saint-Rome, Changes, Peyras, Temponières, Chalande, Puits Vert, etc.) were orphaned by a merchants’ association. If for more than fifteen years, Marc Fridman, owner of the Levi’s store, ran the store on rue Saint-Rome, the association disappeared when this merchant retired several months ago. “Everything is a bit abandoned,” laments the latter. At the time, this association was very active, particularly during the end-of-year celebrations when the illuminations and decorations gave the street its festive appearance.

Since then, on March 9, the building at 4 rue Saint-Rome collapsed and, in turn, problems appeared in other buildings. A situation which left several traders adrift without premises. It is in this context that the new commercial association Cœur de Ville (ACCV) was created at the end of March 2024 “to support and help traders with a referent on each street to respond to the various problems that arise, specifies Nathalie Cutolo, president of this structure and herself manager of a photo store after having been freelance With this tragedy, this street has been damaged. Some have lost everything and must reinvent themselves. essential. More than a hundred traders are now involved in this association.

Give a new dynamic

An obligatory passage for Toulouse commerce, rue Saint-Rome, often criticized, forms a star sign in the maze of several streets rich in brands. A street full of small and big stories, a meeting place for a young audience seduced by low prices: “This street is one of the busiest in Toulouse, underlines Nathalie Cutolo. Every Saturday, for one hour, it is busy by 6,000 to 7,000 passers-by.

Between trendy fashion boutiques, discount stores and established brands, it always attracts the public, including tourists. “If this street has lost a little of its attractiveness in recent years, it must find a new lease of life. Our goal is to set up events according to its identity such as neighborhood meals, parties. Create a real dynamic and give a new image for the neighborhood,” concludes the merchant.


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