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Lionel Jospin supports the new Popular Front, believing that “the left is doing its duty”

Eric FEFERBERG / AFP Lionel Jospin supports the new Popular Front


Lionel Jospin supports the new Popular Front

POLITICS – A satisfaction from the one who won the last early legislative elections following a dissolution. The day after the candidacy of the former President of the Republic François Hollande, it is the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin who provides, in an interview published in Le Monde this Sunday, June 16, his support for the new Popular Front.

It is “one of the dikes against which the wave can break” of the far right embodied by the National Rally, greets the socialist. “In the current situation, the left is doing its duty. »

“It is healthy that, despite known differences, La France insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party and the Ecologists have signed the recent agreement. And I am delighted that Raphaël Glucksmann, who has just had a great European campaign, has not stayed away”he judges.

And Lionel Jospin criticizes Emmanuel Macron for his decision to dissolve the National Assembly, but also for his role in the rise of the RN. “By systematically seeking, through the practice of poaching, to weaken the two parties which, on the left and the right, structured the French political landscape without even worrying about replacing them with a living political force or building stable coalitions, President Macron opened the space for the National Rally.”

Above all, “by now calling the legislative elections, the president is offering the National Rally the opportunity to seek power in France. This is not responsible”adds the former tenant of Matignon.

He also attacks ” arrogance “ And ” lightness “ of Emmanuel Macron who “drags the French into his haste”.

For Lionel Jospin, the RN “is nationalist, xenophobic, and many of its proposals offend our republican principles”. “On the international level, its leaders are ready to make a pact with the man who claims to be our enemy: Vladimir Putin. Not to mention the doubts that we may have about the ability of the two main leaders of the RN to master the economic and social problems of the country”he adds.

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