DayFR Euro

Vero Virseda has never won Gemma Triay… in 19 confrontations

It’s not a statistic that gives you confidence before the start of a match… Vero Virseda never won a match against Gemma Triay… in 19 confrontations on the track.

This is perhaps the first confrontation between the pair Triay/Fernandez and Ortega/Virseda but the players know each other almost by heart. Marta has already shared the track with Gemma Triay and Veronica Virseda has already had to face the Menorcan on numerous occasions.

However, Virseda does not yet seem to have found the keys to overcome Gemma, in her diagonal. She remains facing 19 consecutive defeats against the former world number 1…which is scary.

However, perhaps she will be able to find the keys to break this black streakthanks to the advice of his new partner, Marta Ortega.

Of course, Gemma Triay does not intend to let this happen and even aims for the double with Claudia Fernandezafter their first title together in Chile, two weeks earlier.

So, will Vero Virseda suffer a twentieth defeat against Gemma? Or, on the contrary, will she achieve the feat of beating her for the first time? Response at 2 p.m., on the central track of the Bordeaux Premier Padel P2.

Source: Padel Intelligence.

It was her brother who one day told her to accompany him on a padel court, since then, Gwenaëlle has never left the court. Except when it comes to watching the broadcast of Padel Magazine, the World Padel Tour… or the Premier Padel… or the French Championships. In short, she is a fan of this sport.


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